Q&A 8: Overcoming Self Limiting Behaviors – What To Do When Your Mind Controls Your Mouth

Q&A 8: Overcoming Self Limiting Behaviors – What To Do When Your Mind Controls Your Mouth

In this episode we are talking about the thing that derails our progress: our old, negative thought patterns. Yup, most of us are passive victims of our thoughts about our lack of willpower, our cravings and our bad habits. But we have the CHOICE to change those thought patterns and embrace new, productive, helpful thoughts that will propel us towards our goals and this episode tells you how.

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Question: In this episode we’re addressing the very common question about how to proceed when you have great intentions but you can’t get past your mental blocks related to food, progress, fitness or your own self worth.

Answer: “Learn to stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself” Jon Gordon
Step 1: Become aware of your thought patterns and negativity
Step 2: Acknowledge that you have the power to interupt those thoughts
Step 3: Write down the new positive thoughts, behaviors & habits you want in your life
Step 4: Read them to yourself as soon as you become aware of any negative, useless thoughts. Begin and end each and every day with your affirmations.
Step 5: Don’t ever stop

Elizabeth’s Affirmations

  • Great things will happen today
  • I eagerly fuel my body with healthy foods
  • I constantly practice self discipline and willpower
  • I bring passion & intensity to my daily workouts
  • Every day my body is leaner and stronger
  • I control my thoughts and emotions
  • I choose happiness, positivity & gratitude
  • I am transforming people’s lives with enthusiasm and a servant’s heart
  • I am focused & determined
  • New opportunities arise every day

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Q&A 8: Overcoming Self Limiting Behaviors – What To Do When Your Mind Controls Your Mouth

Episode 016: Hack Your Sleep for Health & Fat Loss

It is not just about the QUANTITY of your sleep. The QUALITY of your sleep might be preventing your weight loss. That’s right; when we don’t get into those deepest stages of sleep we are making weight loss an uphill battle. We talk about how sleep deprivation leads to insulin resistance and how stress, light exposure, food & exercise can impair our ability to get good, quality sleep. We also go through concrete steps you can take TODAY to allow your body to get into those deeper phases of sleep.

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The problem: We aren’t getting enough total sleep but, more importantly, we aren’t getting quality sleep. Our diet & lifestyle habits are preventing us from getting deep, healing, restorative sleep. A lack of this deep, restorative sleep leads to major hormonal imbalances, hunger, cravings, lack of satiety, mood swings, depression, fat storage and more.

Even mild, short term sleep deprivation creates MAJOR insulin resistance, keeping your body in fat-storing mode and out of fat-burning mode for longer.

The Solution: Understand how your body is supposed to work. Understand your natural cycles of cortisol and melatonin and how diet and lifestyle choices are throwing that off and preventing your body from getting deep sleep, regardless of the quantity of sleep you’re getting. Our cortisol levels naturally peak in the morning to help us wake up and be ready to tackle the day. Melatonin, the sleep & relaxation hormone, peaks at night helping us to rest, fall asleep and get into these deep stages of sleep. However, we mess up this balance, suppressing melatonin at night and elevating cortisol. While we might be able to fall asleep, this keeps us from getting restorative sleep that we need. Here are some of the things that suppress melatonin or elevate cortisol:

  • Exposure to light, especially blue light from TVs, tablets and cell phones, suppresses melatonin
  • Late night eating elevates cortisol
  • Chronic stress elevates cortisol
  • Chronic consumption of sugar and processed foods elevates cortisol (remember, everytime we elevate cortisol we are suppressing melatonin)

Practical Implementation:

  • Minimize blue light exposure once the sun goes down
    • Consider downloading the free software f.lux
    • Consider orange-light glasses
  • Exposure yourself to natural light during the day time and avoid excess light once the sun goes down
  • Get blackout curtains and cover all sources of light in your bedroom – the photoreceptors in your skin can sense the light and this will supress melatonin production
  • Don’t exercise within a couple hours of bedtime (this will increase cortisol and suppress melatonin)
  • Practice stress management techniques such as meditation or leisure walking
  • Control your blood sugar. Limit or eliminate processed foods
  • Stop eating within a couple hours of bedtime
  • Lower the temperature in your bedroom by a couple of degrees (the ideal temp for sleeping is 60-68 degrees. Wear socks.)
  • Limit your caffeine after lunch time. Caffeine will elevate cortisol and suppress melatonin

f.lux: https://justgetflux.com/
Orange light glasses: Buy on amazon
Shawn Stevenson’s book Sleep Smarter

For more on hormones and fat loss, check out the Primal Potential Fat Loss ebook


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When It Clicks: This Is What It Looks Like

When It Clicks: This Is What It Looks Like

I don’t do many guest posts here in this space. I’m uber protective of you guys – my readers, my friends – and I don’t like the idea of letting other people push their agenda over here. Go do that someplace else. No time for it. I’m trying to help people change their lives, find a healthier relationship with food and burn fat without losing their minds. And then I read a post that I immediately knew I needed to share. A post that perfectly depicts what it looks like when that mindset shift happens between “What’s the most effective diet” and “I am ready to figure out my own fat loss formula for life”. It so happened for Emily. Now, Emily happens to be my sister. Emily happens to be an incredible writer & has her own blog. She put it best, though: ” This ain’t no family-promoting-family-’cause-we’re-family situation.” Neither of us do that. Sure, we’re fans of each other’s work but we protect our space. I knew I needed to share her story because it’s a perfect depiction of the paradigm shift I’m trying to help you make. So with that, here’s Emily.

*Disclaimer: There is some cursing in her post*

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In the years before my dad died, he discovered the Atkins Diet.

He was so fucking stoked, you guys.

He was losing weight eating meat, eggs, cheese, meat, and meat.

I was dubious.

“How are you losing weight eating all of that fat?”  It was a leading question coming from me, his trendily vegan daughter who was healthier and more conscious than everyone else because I ate salads and French fries and tofu.  How far did that tofu travel to get to me?  No matter.  I’m vegan.

He explained some of the principles.  I was skeptical, but couldn’t argue with what I was looking at: a dude who’d lost a considerable amount of his I-enjoy-the-hell-out-of-food belly.

After he died, I drank a whole lot of Captain Morgan’s and chased it with root beer.  I have no idea what I ate, but I know I drank my way up the scale.  After the grief broke its spell over me, I looked down and was displeased with what I saw.

I knew someone who’d had success with Weight Watchers and decided to give it a go.  It was the first time I’d actively tried to lose weight.  I got the books and joined the chat rooms and easily dropped pound after pound.  Seeing the scale move was exhilarating.  Needing to buy new pants was bliss-inducing.

My boyfriend of five years proposed in the woods.  Soon after the honeymoon, two pink lines showed up and my body wasn’t fully mine again, it turns out, for almost seven years.

My kids are 6.5 and 4.5, and just this morning I stepped on the scale and saw the lowest number I’ve seen since Mr. 4.5 was born: 163.6.

I’m a little bit high on that number right now, thankyouverymuch.

Because here’s what: I’m doing this new thing where I’m eating food that feels good in my body  I’m not measuring it.  I’m not counting it.  It tastes fucking great.

And I’m looking how I want to look.

Okay, so here’s what happened.

At the beginning of the year I noticed that my pants were getting tight.  Walking around the restaurant on a busy Friday or Saturday night, I could feel my body in a way I didn’t like.  I could feel mounds of girth forming on my back under my bra.  A little bit of this is par for the course for most of us, but this was new territory.  I hated how it felt.

Begrudgingly, I admitted that I was the only person who could do anything about this situation and I jumped back onto Weight Watchers.  This time, I wasn’t vegan and I was a mama and so my food landscape was quite different than it’d been during my first go round; my kids would only tolerate so many quesadillas.

But I started doing it anyway.  I cooked for them and I cooked for me.  I ate a lot of carrots.  I snacked on Wasa Crisps slathered with Laughing Cow wedges.

I lost weight, but I thought about food constantly; because I need my brain space available for things other than Points-obsession, I started poking around on the interwebs for a new way.

And then I listened to this podcast and I was like HOLD THE DAMN PHONE.

Disclaimer: the woman responsible for this flawlessly-executed podcast happens to be my step-sister, but this ain’t no family-promoting-family-’cause-we’re-family situation. Betsy (I’m sorry Bets, I just can’t call you Elizabeth) knows her shit.  Trust me on this, guys.  I wouldn’t make you suffer through a boring, preachy podcast – promise.

I listened to her episode about what happens inside our bodies when we start the day with carbs.  Nutshell: our bodies are in prime fat-burning mode when we wake up.  If we avoid carbs in the morning, we burn more fat and stuff, and – just listen to the podcast for the real, intellectual, fun explanation.  SHE’S THE EXPERT, OKAY?  But it made very clear sense to me.  I could understand what she was talking about.

I started drinking BulletProof coffee.  You guys, it’s fucking delicious.  You just blend a tablespoon of grass-fed butter and a tablespoon of high-quality coconut oil into your coffee and WOWZA.  I don’t even miss putting sugar in my morning espresso and I used to be a super-sweet-coffee drinker.

Some people can drink BulletProof and it fills them right up for hours.  Because I so often want to be like everyone else, I tried this.

No way.

I need food in the morning.  Period.

At first, I thought this meant I was “doing it wrong”, “it” being following the rules properly.  (I like rules only because it allows me to eventually hate them; sometimes I need a non-human thing to be mad at.)  I became frustrated by all of the seemingly contrary health and wellness and nutrition information in the world today.  I wrote this blog post, “Is This The Hardest Time In History To Be Healthy?”.

And then I got this comment:

“Hey Em – just my $0.02 on this: All the “right” and “wrong” answers are inside YOU. And that’s not meant to be some woo-woo New Age bullsh*t. You can try new things and monitor how they make you feel. Are you more hungry? Less hungry? Experiencing more cravings? More moody? More tired? Less tired? Tweak one variable. How do those factors change? Tweak a second variable – are you balancing your hunger, energy, cravings & mood? Is your body changing? Sometimes we get stuck in analysis paralysis and don’t move forward because we can’t see through all the opinions. In reality, the only thing that matters is how your food choices make you FEEL and whether or not they allow you to progress towards your goals. Just one opinion. 🙂

Okay, so first, we all know how much I LOVE New Age woo-woo bullsh*t.  Seriously – bring it on.

Second, OH RIGHT.


This comment was – you guessed it – from Betsy.  I told you she was on point.

I know that there are eight million reasons why so many women struggle with body image and weight loss.  Some are societal.  Some are psychological.

But like everything else I’m discovering, I’ve learned that my issues around true health and wellness are rooted in…

Who wants to guess?

I know you know the answer…

Wait for it…

Got it!?


Shocking, right!?  I want rules to follow because I’m scared that if I don’t have a framework, I’ll be out of control.  I’m  scared to trust myself.

Because trusting myself to listen to my body means that what my body does is a result of me, and oh, should we just stop here and notice the irony?

I’m an advocate for personal and emotional accountability – I get paid to work with people on these ideas – and yet I’ve been running away from the very obvious truth: how my body feels, performs, and looks is up to me.

Funny, huh?  How the most obvious things are sitting right there, waiting to be seen?

So here’s what I’ve done: I’ve been reading and listening to podcasts and am really digging the science behind a high-fat diet.  I’m talking to people, and, finally, I’m listening to how my body feels when I eat certain things.

Here’s what I know to be true for me:

  • I don’t want to think about food all the time.  (Unless I’m in Corsica or Italy, and then I onlywant to think about food.)
  • I don’t want to count points or calories or measure my food in measuring cups before I eat it.
  • I want to eat when I’m hungry.
  • I want my body to be lean and healthy and strong.
  • I want to eat real food.  Whole food.  Nourishing food.

So here’s what I’ve been up to.

BulletProof Coffee in the morning.  As I mentioned, I tried just drinking the BulletProof, but it wasn’t enough – I was still obsessing about when I could eat again, and then I remembered, oh, right, if you’re hungry then EAT SOMETHING.  So I started eating two or three eggs scrambled with 1/4 of an avocado, spinach, and a little bit of onion.  This fills me up for a few hours, and that’s the business right there.

Then, it’s usually some sort of veggie-heavy lunch with protein.  I’ve been into kale and broccoli and meatballs.

By afternoon I’m usually in a multiple-hour stretch of not being hungry.  This is super new for me.  I used to be hungry constantly in the afternoon, which is when I’d snack on fake food.  Now, if I get hungry I eat a bite or two (who am I kidding it’s always two) of almond butter or a handful of macadamia nuts.

Then a light dinner because, well, I’m usually just not that hungry in the evenings anymore.

I’m not crashing in the afternoon and making myself more coffee.  Also, I’m INCREDIBLY thirsty all the time.  I’ve read that this happens sometimes when people get rid of carbs and sugar.  I’m drinking an insane amount of water.

Here’s what though: I wasn’t even consciously thinking about going low carb.  And the thought of eliminating sugar was something I considered impossible.  And while I’m not being dogmatic (I ain’t never giving up my Sriracha, which has a tiny bit of sugar in it), I’m not craving sweets.

Oh, and hot yoga.  I’m doing it twice a week.  Except when the car battery dies and I can’t make it in time.  My arms are cut right now, you guys.  I’m rocking out push ups like a boss and am constantly flexing my biceps and poking them with pride.

You guys know me – I LOVE good food and  often struggle to commit to exercise.  So you know I’m not pushing anything in terms of “a way” of eating or moving that’ll work for everyone.

It’s just that it’s impossible for me to ignore the very real fact that we can figure out everything in our lives – EVERYTHING – if we:


With that?  Imma go make me some espresso with some fat mixed into it.


Q&A 8: Overcoming Self Limiting Behaviors – What To Do When Your Mind Controls Your Mouth

Q&A 7: Cholesterol Is Not the Culprit – What is Really to Blame for Vascular Disease?

Today we’re answering a question from a listener concerned that eating more fat will raise her cholesterol levels. We talk about the MAJOR myths about cholesterol including how cholesterol is actually a healing substance and the fact that high cholesterol is a sign of chronic damage in the body. We talk about how to identify the REAL source of the problem to avoid what doctors measure as “high cholesterol”. We talk about how cutting out dietary fat can actually send your body’s production of cholesterol into overdrive and what you need to do to stay healthy & maintain your vascular health.

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Question: Eating more fat is really helping my energy levels and satiety but I’m worried about my cholesterol. Won’t eating more fat raise my cholesterol levels?

Answer: Increasing your consumption of dietary cholesterol DOES NOT mean increasing your serum cholesterol. In fact, cholesterol is deployed to the site of injury or inflammation in the body to help you heal. Instead of trying to reduce your body’s protective mechanism, we need to find out why the injury or inflammation is occurring in the first place and resolve THAT.

Furthermore, cutting cholesterol from your diet doesn’t lower your cholesterol. In fact, it increases your body’s production of cholesterol.

Primal Body, Primal Mind
Eat The Yolks
Elizabeth’s e-book
Hormones Trump Calories
Carb Timing

My Personal Lab Work (“Present” refers to June 2014 so its been a little while. I’ll have to get more done soon to see further improvements)

my labs

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Q&A 8: Overcoming Self Limiting Behaviors – What To Do When Your Mind Controls Your Mouth

Episode 015: Primal Principles for Fat Loss

In this episode we talk about what Primal is, why I chose the Primal approach and define my top 10 Primal Principles for Fat Loss and how they’ll help you reach your goals and maintain them for life. I talk in depth about why diets don’t work and some of the short term strategies that backfired on me along my weight loss journey. I also talk about why I have absolutely ZERO concern that I’ll ever put the weight back on.

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The Challenge: People think that dieting is the only way to reach their fat loss and weight loss goals. They’re looking for a short term strategy to give them long term results. It just doesn’t work that way!

The Solution: Identify a strategy that you know YOU can maintain forever. Find fat loss foods you love. Find fat loss foods that satisfy you. Retrain your taste buds by enjoying whole, healthy foods as nature intended them.

Practical Implementation: We talk in detail about my top 10 Primal Principles for health & fat loss. Here they are:

  1. Focus on plants and animals
    Build your meals around lean proteins, healthy fats, and non-starchy vegetables. If you do this, you really don’t need to stress over portions.
  1. Reduce your intake of grains
    I know people don’t like to hear this, but if lasting fat loss is your goal, just do it. I promise that over time you’ll hardly miss them. It’s a tough transition but it’s crucial for both fat loss and overall health.
  1. Minimize starchy vegetables
    There is a time and a place for starchy vegetables (think potatoes, squash, etc) and everyone is different. For me, I’ve found that it works best to have them post-workout or at the end of the day. Remember: the goal is sustainable fat loss.
  1. Avoid processed foods – even “healthy” ones
    If it has an ingredient list, it shouldn’t be a part of your daily diet. Keep it as clean and simple as possible. If its in a box or a bag, proceed with caution. Protein bars are great convenience foods in a pinch and there are some good options out there and shakes can be great at times but cleaner is leaner so keep that in mind.
  1. Walk as much as you can. Slowly.
    This helps with fat loss, stress management and much more. Just do it. Don’t sweat, don’t even get winded just relax and go for a walk.
  1. Build muscle
    Lift heavy things. You want your body to be an efficient fat burning machine and this requires muscle. You don’t want to lose fat and look like a big bag of mushy skin, right? Build a strong base. Lift stuff.
  1. Sleep More
    I know it’s hard. None of us sleep enough. Find a way. I cut my TV time at night and I started working less. This impacts my mood, motivation and cravings in a major way.
  1. Make stress reduction a priority
    Start small. Five minutes a day of quiet time or a bath before bed every night. Identify small changes you can make and do them consistently.
  1. Sweets are occasional treats – healthy or not
    There are lots of recipes out there for “paleo cookies” and every sweet under the sun using whole foods like almond flour and coconut butter, etc. Those are good for special occasions but should not be a part of your every day plan. Keep it simple. Your body will thank you.
  1. Avoid toxins
    When you can, buy the highest quality produce available. Organic fruits and veggies. Grass fed meats. Yes, they are more expensive but you will pay in the long run if you continuously introduce toxins to your body through the food you eat and the chemicals you expose yourself to.

Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfillipo
Hormones & Fat Loss ebook! 50 pages of diet & lifestyle strategies to help you naturally optimize your hormones and get into fat-burning mode!!

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