589: Mental Wellness & Making Your Own Rules

Mental wellness drives physical wellness. Without a strong mental game, it’s just a house of cards. You don’t want to miss today’s episode! I’m interviewing one of the most positive, enthusiastic women I know: Brooke Thomas.

When I asked her what she’s most passionate about sharing, she told me her incredible story that led her to the realization that mental wellness trumps physical wellness.

We dive into strategies for when you feel stuck or burdened by the life you designed. It’s a powerful conversation about creating the life you want, slowing down to speed up and not settling for less than what you’re capable of.

If you want to know how you can start to create a life you love, how you can overcome negativity, shame & self-loathing, this is the episode for you! If you’ve been frantically trying to “get healthy”, slow down, take a breath and listen to today’s episode!

Connect with Brooke: 

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Learn more about her Live Out Loud programs

Work with Elizabeth

Hop on the Wait List for the Summer 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation

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How I Bounce Back

This morning I needed to bounce back. I was in a funk. Specifically, my feelings were hurt and I was continuing to replay the situation over and over in my thoughts.

It felt awful and I don’t want to feel awful.

We can stay in the funk. We can fuel the situation with our thoughts & words or we can take ourselves right out of it. While it’s totally fine to choose to stay there, it’s important to acknowledge that it is a choice and it’s not the only choice available to you.

In fact, that’s always my first step.

Acknowledge that you are your own mood maker.

Your feelings follow your thoughts. While thoughts do arise spontaneously, you decide whether or not you continue to fuel them with your attention.

As I sat with my journal this morning, I considered how the best version of me would go through this day.

Joyfully. Gratefully. Happily. Making choices that move me towards my goals.

I don’t want to stay in the funk therefore I must make moves to pull me out of it.

Revisit your power.

Owning that I have the power to make my own mood, here’s what I wrote in my journal this morning:

I can create the life I want. I can create the home I want. The relationships I want. The wealth I want. The peace I want. The health I want. The physique I want. The mood I want.

In the 30 seconds it took me to write that in my journal, my mood started to shift. In this day, through my thoughts and actions, I can create a positive, empowered day or I can create a sad, crappy, frustrated day.

You have the same choice.

So what, now what?

I ask myself that simple question on a regular basis: so what, now what?

So now that I am starting to feel a little better, what will I do about it? What will I do now and next to put myself in a great mood and take steps towards creating the life I want?

Here’s what I did this morning:

  1. Ten slow, deep breaths
  2. Write 3 things that are great about my life and/or my potential
  3. Listen to “Rise Up” by Andra Day
  4. Identify two things I can & will do today to create the life of my dreams
  5. Read my affirmations

Every time I need to bounce back, it looks a little different, so today’s strategy might not work for you but I’ve done a bunch of episodes & blogs on other strategies so if this is something you want to get better at, check them out!

Resources on How to Bounce Back

Minisode: How to Bounce Back

Episode 294: Bounce Back Strategy

Episode 583: A Tool When You’re In A Funk

Blog: You’re Your Own Mood Maker

Chasing Cupcakes

If you want to learn more about how I coach myself and my clients, hop on the wait list for our next 12 Weeks to Transformation that kicks off in July. Registration opens in June!

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587: Busy is Bullsh*t (and What You Can Do About It)

You aren’t too busy to take care of yourself or to prioritize your health.

Sure, you might be able to tell yourself and others that’s the reason you aren’t making progress or doing the work, but it doesn’t make it true. It’s just a convenient story – a permission slip you write yourself for being inconsistent.

The reality is – taking great care of yourself increases your bandwidth, it doesn’t decrease it. It gives you more energy, more focus, more determination, clarity and efficiency.

I love the Zen saying about meditation. “If you don’t have time to meditate for an hour each day, meditate for two hours.” If you think you’re too busy, you need to adjust both your schedule and your perspective!

There are so many other elements to this permissive lie and we’re exploring them all on today’s episode!


A Few Tips If You’re “Busy”

  • Stop using “busy”
  • Ask yourself if you’re creating a life you love or just keeping yourself busy
  • Are you getting the results you want?
  • Create more space
    • Talk more slowly
    • Think more slowly
    • Move more slowly
    • Meditate
    • Eliminate obligations that you aren’t passionate about


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Watch the 4-Part Change Maker Series

Part 1: Awareness

Part 2: Alignment

Part 3: Advancement

Part 4: Adjustment

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Want to Get Motivated? Here’s a Free Tool to Help!

I used to struggle to get motivated. Motivation felt super fickle. Sometimes it was there. Often, it was not. I had no idea how to get motivated – I didn’t realize I could create motivation on demand.

Since realizing that motivation can truly be created on demand, I’ve become passionate about figuring out the most effective ways to generate it.

Recently, I found something that works like a charm. I shared it with my clients and many of them have reached out to tell me how much they love it.

This strategy will not only help you get motivated, but it also is a great tool to:

  • break you out of any funk
  • create immunity to excuses
  • accelerate your progress toward any goal
  • get you excited about putting forth effort
  • break you out of past patterns
  • train you to think outside the box
  • become a creative, energetic problem solver

Here’s all you have to do…

Spend 1-2 minutes writing your thoughts in response to the following prompt:

What if ________________ was possible? 

That’s it. 

Here are some examples to get you started and you’ll see that it’s totally fine to be loose with the structure. You’re just brainstorming possibilities for your life, your health, your goals, your relationships…anything at all!

  • What if living with zero debt was possible?
  • What if it was possible to make a lot more money?
  • What if confidence was possible for me?
  • What if it was effortless to be consistently healthy?
  • What if an exciting sex life and a fun, playful relationship was possible?
  • What if it was possible to start a totally new career and make an incredible living?

It might seem like a weird approach to get motivated, but here’s what I know…most struggles comes stem from lack of enthusiasm about the change you want to create.

Lack of belief, lack of enthusiasm, lack of excitement…they all lead to lack of motivation.

If you want to get more motivated, start getting excited about what’s possible for your life and then challenge yourself to take one step in that direction today!

If you want to accelerate your progress, enjoy the journey more, create immunity to setbacks and overcome excuses, spend 1-2 minutes each day brainstorming about what is possible for you.

Break out of the pattern of thinking about what is wrong, what you can’t do or what you don’t understand. Start thinking about what you could do, what you could have or who you could be!

For more resources on motivation, check out these episodes of the Primal Potential podcast:

Motivation Masterclass

Motivation When You Feel Stuck

Want to surround yourself with more people who are motivated and excited about life? Join the Primal Potential Facebook group!

586: Personal Growth as a Drug of Choice with Tara Romano

Get ready to expand your perspective about personal growth! Get ready to get excited about it and more enthusiastic in your pursuit of it!

Today, we have Tara Romano on the show! Tara and I met a few months ago and when I saw her Instagram post where she said that personal growth is her drug of choice, I just had to have her on the show.

Personal growth is a gift, not a burden. It’s something you do FOR yourself, not TO yourself. It’s not a sacrifice.

In today’s episode, we dive into both personal growth, the gift of it and overcoming insecurity and comparison.

Some of Tara’s personal affirmations include:

  • Interupt the pattern
  • It’s not that serious
  • Stop making up so many stories
  • I’m a perfect work in progress
  • I’m a magnet for all I desire
  • My life is perfect as it is and I’m capable of making any changes as I desire
  • All I need is always taken care of. I am safe.


Learn about Tara and her fitness empire, Tone & Tease

Follow Tara on Instagram

Mark Nepo’s The Book of Awakening

“The glassblower knows, while in the heat of beginning, any shape is possible. Once hardened, the only way to change is to break.”

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