You’re Nuts & Mine

by | Aug 10, 2017 | Blog

Let’s talk nuts. First, the title here isn’t a typo. You are nuts.

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I’m gonna keep this part short. If you aren’t happy with your life but you aren’t creating change, you’re nuts.

One of the most powerful and transformative quotes I’ve ever heard is from the poet Rumi:

Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?

Is change easy? No. But is being unhappy easy?


Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life.

I was in a habit of eating fast food & Hostess cupcakes. I was in a habit of getting snacks from the vending machine and overeating daily.

The choices were easy because they were familiar but my life was not easy. It was agonizing. I was miserable.

Changing my choices was hard, but certainly not harder than being unhappy and feeling hopeless.

It’s perspective, my friends.

If you aren’t happy but you choose comfortable and easy over amazing & hard – you are nuts.

You are in control. Progress is worth it.

Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?

Focus JUST FOR TODAY on what you can do to move towards your goals and do the damn thing!


Let’s talk about my nuts.

Actual nuts. I get a lot of questions about nuts. Are they fat? Are they protein? Carbs. It depends. First of all, peanuts are actually legumes – part of the bean family. They aren’t nuts.

The rest of the true nuts (tree nuts) – almonds, cashews, macadamias, etc – differ greatly in their nutrient composition.

Cashews, for example, are higher in carbohydrate than almonds.

Almonds are higher in carbohydrate than macadamia nuts.

Macadamia nuts have more fat.

Here’s an awesome chart I’ve borrowed from to give you a sense of how various 1-ounce servings of nuts compare.

Know what nut isn’t on this chart? You might not have ever heard of it: pili nuts. They’re suuuuper tasty. Of all tree nuts, they have the lowest carbs and the highest fat. They’re also a great source of magnesium. We’re talking only 1g of carbohydrate and a whopping 24 grams of fat per serving.

I rarely find them in stores and buy mine here on Amazon:

Don’t go nuts with them though! Pun intended. They’re a hefty dose of fat so take it easy.


Wanna talk about today’s workout? I’m excited to say that I did wall balls – my first time squatting in a few weeks and it felt pretty good.


25 deadlifts

50 wall balls

50 cal bike

Not having squatted in a while, my quads definitely had a hard time adjusting to the wall balls but I pushed through, gave 100% effort and feel really proud of the workout. I made time to foam roll & ice right afterwards just to make sure I’m not aggravating my knee. Since I tested it out today, I’ll go back to babying it for a few days.

On the food front:

I didn’t really eat last night’s dinner. I made it but wasn’t too hungry so I put it back in the fridge and had it for breakfast this morning.

Around 1pm I had 1/4 cup of those pili nuts – nom nom nom. Then, I did the classiest thing of the day and prepped dinner to bring to a restaurant. Yup, I’m headed out to watch the first Patriots pre-season game at a bar and I’m brining my own meal.

Is it allowed? No. Will they throw me out? Probably not. If they tell me to put it away, I will, but I don’t think they’ll say anything.

I’m making up my cabbage salad bowl with raw shredded cabbage, hardboiled egg, avocado & bacon and taking it on the road with me.

Could I order fish & veggies at the bar? Or a burger without the bun? Of course. But it wouldn’t be as tasty or filling as my cabbage salad bowl so I choose that!

Make it a great day! Make choices that make you proud.

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