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Imagine Co-Creating A Plan You Actually Stick With!

There’s very little that’s more frustrating than constantly committing to a new plan only to fall into the same patterns of excuses, exceptions, doubts and delays. You genuinely want to be consistent, but it seems like something always gets in the way so nothing ever works even though you’re always working!

We’re currently closed for enrollment BUT we’d love to have you hop on the wait list to be the first to know about our upcoming enrollment! This program is a legit game changer. 

The problem is two-fold

First, you’re trying to change too many variables at once.

I get it…you ultimately want a significant degree of change—you’re ready to go 100% all-in! You probably think that’s what it takes to get results. But to be honest, we have to take a strategic and specific approach to the big change you’re pursuing.

Think about it this way: let’s say I have two 30-foot ladders side by side against my house. One of them has 3 rungs. The other has 30 rungs. Intellectually, you might think you can climb faster if you only have to take 3 steps. Intellectually, you might think 30 rungs is 10 times the work…but it’s not! The 30 steps are easier to take so you can move more quickly and confidently. Though it’s technically 10x more steps, it’s absolutely the easier path. The same is true of consistency.

I tell my clients that specificity is a super power. You’re setting yourself up for failure when you’re general, vague or too focused on the big picture. Small, specific steps allow us to move quickly and struggle less.

Secondly, your choices will never be better than the thoughts that precede them:

If you approach your decisions with thoughts like, “I’ll start tomorrow” or “this one thing won’t hurt”, your choices will reflect those beliefs.
It’s tempting to just focus on the new behaviors you want to implement, but if you don’t optimize the thoughts that precede those desired behaviors, you’ll keep talking yourself out of them over and over…

The small change you’re willing to make consistently will always deliver better results than the big change you don’t stick with!

And remember: where we start isn’t where we stay, so resist the urge to judge your entire journey based on where you’re starting!

Your feet step where your thoughts steer, so we have some work to do in this area! It is a needle mover!

🔑I’m going to let you in on a huge key to success: 🔑

You don’t have to have a consistent lifestyle to have consistent behaviors.

Are you letting any deviation in your routine justify inconsistency?
Something I hear all the time is that folks start to gain some momentum and then life gets in the way.
There is always something you can do, but you have to break the habit of letting what you can’t do today discourage you from all you can do.

Consistency requires flexibility, not perfection.

📣I’m talking to you, self-proclaimed perfectionist! 🧐
People think of consistency as following a plan without deviation. Good news: that ain’t it. Consistency isn’t about perfection at all. It actually demands that you are flexible, while focusing more on what you can do than on whatever you can’t do today.

As you can see, we have some work to do, and it will change everything. Here’s what I think about a healthy, effective approach to consistency:

1. It shouldn’t suck
2. It should be personal and flexible
3. It needs to account for your most-compelling excuses

Introducing CONSISTENT

the only high-touch membership where we co-create a personalized framework & roadmap to consistency so you’re equipped to thrive in health, fitness, and home.

There’s No One-Size-Fits-All Approach. No More Trying To Make Someone Else’s Rules Work For Your Unique Lifestyle, And Preferences. Your Approach Is Built For You.

We’ll build sustainable results with our “Consistency Over Intensity” approach and hands-on support that arms you for your bad weeks, shifts in your circumstances and your most compelling excuses – without overwhelm.

  • NConsistency for weight loss? We’re tackling it.
  • NConsistency in your habits? We cover that too.
  • NConsistency in your fitness? We’ve got tools and trainings.
  • NConsistency with your finances? Modules on modules.
  • NConsistency at home? You know it.
  • NFeel like you need consistency everywhere? We’ll help you integrate your approach to consistency in the areas that matter most to you: health, nutrition, fitness, finances, home and more!
  • NWorried that you’ll get lost, not do the work or fizzle out? We have small-group check-ins and a dedicated CONSISTENT progress advocate (a sherpa of sorts) to keep it personal and help you stay in action.
  • NEasy-to-customize, designed to implement worksheets — so it’s not just more learning and more information but your time translates into meaningful, result-producing action.
  • NField-work and personalized troubleshooting. Let’s be real: it’s all just a good idea until you implement it into your life and you will encounter setbacks and struggles. That’s why we have “field work forms” so you can share your implementation issues and get personalized feedback and recommendations. 🔥You won’t find that anywhere else, my friend.
  • NBeat the business odds of all-or-nothing pursuits with our 4-part framework for personalized consistency.
  • NNever feel stuck or alone with unlimited direct messaging with Elizabeth, 2 live group calls each month & don’t forget your dedicated CONSISTENT progress advocate!
  • NThe mindset manifesto you need to overcome the excuses and limiting beliefs that have got in your way every time before. More importantly: we give you the tools to turn the mindset into meaningful action.
  • NMake the commitment and we’ll have your personalized roadmap in no time plus all the support you need to put it into CONSISTENT action! Results, here you come!
  • NThe hands-down most comprehensive content library designed for the serially inconsistent goal-pursuer who is ready for a big shift.

You’ll walk away with:

+ Daily private podcast episodes focused exclusively on implementing your personalized plan
+ A personalized, progressive framework for consistency that works for your life and addresses your most compelling excuses
+ A community of people who are determined, creative, supportive and, most importantly, creating results no matter what life throws at them
+ The constant support & guidance of Elizabeth and her team. You don’t have to do this alone and we don’t want you to!

And did someone say BONUSES?

  • NGet Instant Access to all 3 tiers of the 12 Weeks to Transformation, for life! Let me be clear - more information is usually not the answer BUT when it’s timed right and paired with a framework for consistent implementation, who can turn down this deal? This is a $1500 value all by itself!
  • NA Getting Started kickoff with me, so we can pinpoint your starting point and get you going in momentum! Schedule yours today!

This month has been the best month, every month I get more consistent and willing to delay gratification. This is huge to me. I feel stronger going in to the holidays than in past years.


Weight is down 8.8 pounds for the month, consistently getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night, decreased evening sweets down to 1 or 2 the last couple weeks, and continued to eat smaller portion sizes.


I’ve been strengthening my mind muscle – talking myself through into the best choice. No matter how bad my last coice was, I know that I can just get right back to it.


I feel a lot of changes in my body. I’m feeling stronger and leaner. – I’ve been consistent with my bible study over the last few weeks and getting more prayer time in too. That feels good and is spilling over into everything else in my life.


Feeling really good! Still going strong, which for some reason is shocking to me. Two weekends without binges. The difference maker is the baby steps. It’s different from all other healthy lifestyle changes I’ve tried in order to lose weight before. I’m not having to force myself to do the work or even restrict myself.


I feel amazing going into this new week. I have been going back in time with your podcasts and listening to different ones and they are all so helpful. Now that I’ve spoken to you personally, I feel the feedback that much more! There’s something to be said about that.

The ice cream decision came way easier than I thought it would! Probably because I thought of it differently after speaking with you. Something I probably heard before, but when you’re ready to hear it, you really hear it.


Your investment for CONSISTENT?

  • NUnlimited direct messaging with Elizabeth and her team 🤯How can you put a price on that? Dramatically shorten the duration of your struggle and get support and encouragement in all your challenging moments!
  • NGetting Started Orientation - $299
  • N4-Part Framework for creating your personalized CONSISTENT roadmap $797
  • NField Work - Real life troubleshooting each week $299
  • NCONSISTENT workbook (coming soon) $49
  • NDaily private podcast on implementation $299
  • NAll 3 tiers of the 12 Weeks to Transformation $1497

But if you’re wondering,
Elizabeth, who are you?

I’m so glad you asked. I’m formerly the most inconsistent person on the planet. I was a binge eater with a desperate desire to lose weight. An over-spender constantly struggling for financial freedom. I’d put off every task I said mattered to me and I just didn’t  understand what was wrong with me…until I built the skill of consistency.

When I stopped chasing outcomes and trying to rely on white-knuckle willpower to follow someone else’s approach, I paid off over $100K in debt, lost 130 pounds, launched a 7-figure business and managed to keep it all going while I had 4 children in less than 2.5 years.

I understand the patterns of “I’ll start tomorrow” or telling yourself “I don’t even care” and living in endless frustration because those were my ways for decades. So now, I’m drawing back the curtain and busting through all the false walls of progress so we can stop struggling and start living in the consistency that is accessible to every one of us!

When you build the skill of consistency, not only do you get better results, but you feel more confident, less overwhelmed and more open to the opportunities that exist all around you.

And that is really why I built CONSISTENT. Because I want you to get off the hamster wheel of always working despite it not working.

Are you ready?

Nope. I’m not going to sit here and say this is for everyone. But if …

You’re willing to ask for help.
The one thing I tell my clients more than almost anything is that successful people ask for help.
Could you do it alone? Probably.
Can you do it faster and easier with a proven framework? Of course.
Do you doubt that you’ll do the work?
That’s the point.
And here’s the difference maker in CONSISTENT:
You will find that I constantly ask how I can help YOU. I have a teammate in CONSISTENT whose sole role is to help make sure you don’t drift or disengage. The entire framework is built around something you won’t drift or disengage from.
You know those Getting Started Orientations we talked about? You can do it again and again, anytime you feel like you need to reset or re-start.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a Facebook group?

Nope, but we do have a discussion board inside our CONSISTENT community.

Can I cancel any time?

CONSISTENCY takes time, so I’d love for you think instead about “how can we make sure I’m super successful?” With that said, consistency takes time. If you join with the monthly option, there is a 6-month minimum but you can cancel anytime, no questions asked, after that point. If you choose annual, you can cancel anytime. All sales are final and there are no refunds. However, I am seriously committed to your success so anytime you’re struggling, reach out to me directly and we’ll connect and do whatever it takes to right the ship.

What’s my access to you, Elizabeth, through the program?

You have unlimited direct messaging with me through our CONSISTENT platform. Plus, you can join our small-group orientations anytime (they’re held a couple times each month) and we have 2 live group calls every month. Additionally, don’t forget the field work! Through progress reports and check-ins, I want you to share what’s going well, what’s not and how I can help. You’ll be blown away by the support inside CONSISTENT. You truly won’t find anything like it!

Is it video? Audio? How is the material delivered?

Yes. 😂 We’ve got videos, we’ve got live webinars. Questionnaires. Voice notes. Worksheets. Daily audios. If you can dream it up, we’ve probably got it covered! 

When are the live calls? What if I can’t make them?

The schedule varies month by month and replays are always posted. Plus, if you join now, you get access to over a YEAR of our past calls!

Get on the Wait List

© Consistent 2025 | All Rights Reserved

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