If you know what to do but don’t consistently do it…

If you wonder how you can want to change so badly and yet continue to make choices that keep you from getting results…

While everyone chases the next best plan, program or approach – true results come when you have a perspective that is aligned with progress (instead of a perspective that continously talks you out of that progress.)

That is why I created UPGRADE – a 6-week program delivered directly to your inbox for a root-change level solution to inconsistency and all-or-nothing patterns of behavior. 

A Solution is Overdue, Don’t You Think?


Why does it feel SO HARD to make changes when you actually WANT to make the change so genuinely?!

The primary reason might surprise you: we’re trying to solve the wrong problem. 

Most think it’s all about making better decisions. 

  • Wake up earlier
  • Eat less
  • Spend less
  • Exercise more
  • Get organized
  • Willpower
  • Discipline
  • Motivation

Here’s the thing – there’s a big difference between knowing what to do and getting yourself to do it. 

You have to stop focusing on trying to make better decisions and instead upgrade THE WAY you make decisions.

That’s what I’m going to walk you through in UPGRADE – it’s a 6-week, video-based program that gives you everything you need to upgrade THE WAY you make decisions.

Headshot of Elizabeth Benton

Hi, I’m Elizabeth, and I’m a lot like you.

Maybe you’ve never been overweight, in debt, or depressed. I was lucky enough to hit the jackpot with all three. Oh! And my job had me stressed to the max.

But, I’m getting ahead of myself. Back then I felt like a walking, talking hypocrite. I had a degree in nutrition and could tell you, logically, exactly how to improve your health.

Meanwhile, I was over 300lbs and cycled between restrictive dieting and binge eating. I felt completely out of control and stuck in a life I didn’t want. The shame was overwhelming. I was overspending. Watching too much TV. In short – I just wasn’t living the life I knew was possible for me. 

After trying everything short of voodoo to change my life (and I do mean everything), I realized that it wasn’t my choices that were the problem, it was the thoughts driving those choices that needed to change!

Now I want to teach you the same process!

Week ONE

Bring Your Brain More Fully Online

  • Do you feel like sometimes you’re not even thinking when you make choices? Does it ever feel like you’re on autopilot and you don’t even fully notice what’s happening until after you’ve made the choice?

    Sometimes we’re so busy trying to force change that we don’t even realize there are specific things we can do to bring our brains more fully online so we feel more capable of logical, thought-out choices. 

Week Two

Decisions Over Destinations

  • Have you ever wished that you could be the type of person who…?

    Here’s the thing – when you treat change as a destination you’re trying to travel to, you’ll always have the sense that you aren’t there yet. It’s not here and now. But the truth (and necessary practice) is that change is conscious decision you make over and over, it’s not a destination.

Week Three

Clarify Your Willingness 

  • If you’re someone who starts strong but fizzles fast, you need the two videos in week 3! Trust me!  While it’s great to choose a strategy that promises results, don’t get so distracted by the result you want that you fail to consider if you’re willing to do the work (consistently). Your approach needs to include consideration for what you’re willing to consistently do (now) not what you hope to eventually commit to down the road. 

Week Four

Focus Your Response On Recovery

  • Do you feel like every slip becomes a slide? If you mess up, do you struggle to get “back on track”? Instead of reacting with frustration or criticism, look to get better at your recovery. The goal is to get to your next great choice as quickly as possible.

Week Five

Leverage Connection Over Control

  • It’s not enough to desire the outcome! It’s not enough to want the results. In most cases, you can’t want the payoff enough to stick to the work. You have to make sure that in addition to wanting the results, you craft a process you also want to execute. If you think it has to suck in order to get results, you’re wrong and unlikely to be successful long term. 

Week Six

Get Real About Cheap Imitations

  • In many cases, emotional eating is a response to a void. Maybe you’re not hungry, but you’re lonely. The truth is that food is only an effective solution when hunger is the actual problem. Is food a cheap imitation of pleasure? Companionship? Activity? You have to be honest about what your true needs are so you can avoid cheap imitations.

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