705: Creating & Improving Your Growth Mindset

Jan 6, 2020

Creating change and taking your life to the next level absolutely requires that you have a growth mindset and not a fixed mindset.

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Growth Mindset Books Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Mindset by Carol Dweck

The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday

Chasing Cupcakes by Elizabeth Benton

Don’t miss episode 683 on THE GAP

Episode 700 Winners Include…

@fitlifekis (Instagram handle)

@nicolestillwell22 (Instagram handle)

shirl1267 (Apple Podcast ID)

k8bars10 (Apple Podcast ID)

Royaltyspoilty (Apple Podcast ID)

lwininger1 (Apple Podcast ID)

Laur2322 (Apple Podcast ID)

Email sarah@primalpotential.com to claim your prize!


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