Money and finances could be a difficult topic to talk about but it’s also one that is very important to dive into. In this Saturday’s Q&A episode, we’re focusing on the topic of debt, financial freedom, and everything-money!
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We’re giving away an assortment of products from Beekeepers Naturals including honey sticks, throat spray, and many more in today’s episode!
Here’s the list of questions we’re tackling this Saturday:
- How does spending and staying on a budget relate to the same mindset as health and weight management? (episode 019)
- How to pay off debt with a spouse that isn’t on the same page? He is perfectly fine having debt. I want it all gone. How do you have discussions on this?
- How do I slow down my online shopping? It’s so easy late at night to do and then forget
- How to balance these three: building up savings, eliminating credit card debt, and saving for retirement?
- How to really handle “need/want/I deserve this” kind of thinking?
- I want to know how partners handle their money together! I struggle with this one. And I have no idea how people do it.
We announce the winner of today’s giveaway of assorted products from Beekeepers Naturals including honey sticks, throat sprays, and a lot more. These products provide immunity without impacting your microbiome in a negative way! Their throat sprays are my favorite.
Be the winner of our next giveaway by:
- Leaving a review of the Primal Potential podcast on our Apple Podcasts page
- Leaving a review of Chasing Cupcakes on Amazon
- Tagging us on Facebook and Instagram and share with us your favorite episode of the program!