It’s hard to believe that it is almost the 1 year anniversary of the Primal Potential podcast. Know what the most popular episode was? Q&A 6: How to Make Breakfast A Fat Burning Meal.
Given that, I thought it would be fun to do a follow-up episode answering the most common questions about breakfast and sharing some of my favorite fat loss breakfast recipes and meal ideas.
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Fat Loss Breakfast – Your Questions & Answers
This episode goes into detailed answers, meal ideas and recipes so you can create a fat loss breakfast every day!
- How come some of the thinnest people I know eat carbs for breakfast? How can they do that and be lean if carbs in the morning turns off fat burning?
- What do you think about having fruit in the morning if your goal is fat loss?
- Do I have to eat breakfast? I’m not hungry in the morning.
- I hate eggs. How can I create a fat loss breakfast without eating eggs?
- What is bulletproof coffee? How does it help fat loss?
- No matter what I eat for breakfast, I’m hungry within a couple hours. How can I make breakfast fill me up for longer?
- The idea of vegetables at breakfast turns my stomach. How can I incorporate vegetables at breakfast in a way I’ll enjoy?
- What do you think about juicing? Is juice a good fat loss breakfast?
- What do you think about intermittent fasting? Is that healthy? Helpful? Dangerous?
- What breakfast ideas do you have? Especially for meals on the go.
Carb Strategies Training Video (Free)
Q&A 6: How to Make Breakfast A Fat Burning Meal
Dos & Don’ts of Bulletproof Coffee
Carb Tolerance – Why People Respond Different to Carbohydrates