Ep 115: Fat Loss Breakfast – Top 10 Questions & Recipes

Dec 22, 2015

It’s hard to believe that it is almost the 1 year anniversary of the Primal Potential podcast. Know what the most popular episode was? Q&A 6: How to Make Breakfast A Fat Burning Meal.

Given that, I thought it would be fun to do a follow-up episode answering the most common questions about breakfast and sharing some of my favorite fat loss breakfast recipes and meal ideas.

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fat loss breakfast

Fat Loss Breakfast – Your Questions & Answers

This episode goes into detailed answers, meal ideas and recipes so you can create a fat loss breakfast every day!

  1. How come some of the thinnest people I know eat carbs for breakfast? How can they do that and be lean if carbs in the morning turns off fat burning?
  2. What do you think about having fruit in the morning if your goal is fat loss?
  3. Do I have to eat breakfast? I’m not hungry in the morning.
  4. I hate eggs. How can I create a fat loss breakfast without eating eggs?
  5. What is bulletproof coffee? How does it help fat loss?
  6. No matter what I eat for breakfast, I’m hungry within a couple hours. How can I make breakfast fill me up for longer?
  7. The idea of vegetables at breakfast turns my stomach. How can I incorporate vegetables at breakfast in a way I’ll enjoy?
  8. What do you think about juicing? Is juice a good fat loss breakfast?
  9. What do you think about intermittent fasting? Is that healthy? Helpful? Dangerous?
  10. What breakfast ideas do you have? Especially for meals on the go.


fat loss breakfast

Carb Strategies Training Video (Free)

Q&A 6: How to Make Breakfast A Fat Burning Meal

What is Bulletproof Coffee

Dos & Don’ts of Bulletproof Coffee 

Oxo Salad Chopper


Carb Tolerance – Why People Respond Different to Carbohydrates

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