If someone offered you total transformation: to your finances, your business, your health, your relationships… what would that be worth to you? Not just in terms of money, but the overall impact it would have on your life?
This is what happened to today’s guest. In less than three years, she enjoyed total transformation that spread across every aspect of her life. She lost 60lbs. She escaped debt. She turned her marriage around. She went from someone who drank too much and hid from her feelings, to someone who is now comfortable in her own mind and body.
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In today’s episode, we explore how she did. We look at what Total Transformation looks like, and how it does not require huge life altering changes, but rather a commitment to small, daily steps.
I’ve written an article that accompanies this episode, which dives deeper into Total Transformation and the steps you need to take. I encourage you to read, as well as listening to this explosive interview with one of my 12 Weeks to Transformation Clients — and someone who has become a true friend.
- What Total Transformation looks like, and the five elements that go into creating this
- How today’s guest lost 60lbs in a matter of months
- How Total Transformation doesn’t come from big changes, but rather committing to small, daily steps
- Why (and how) your past is often what holds you back, and until you let it go of this you’ll never move forward
- How today’s guest lives her life today compared to 2-3 years ago, and the dramatic impact this has had on her finances, relationships and decision making
- How she went from owning a dive bar where her employees made more money than she did, to a genuine business owner free of debt and with the freedom to plan for the future
- The two giant changes she made to her day, and how you can make those same changes right now
- The single most important aspect about ensuring Total Transformation in YOUR life
- Subscribe to the Primal Potential Podcast
- Connect with me on Instagram and Facebook
- Join The 12 Week to Transformation Wait List
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