728: Staying “On Track”

Feb 29, 2020

Welcome to today’s Q&A episode! It’s going to be a conversation about the KEY to staying “on track” through all the ups and downs.

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This episode’s giveaway winner gets a box of Energy+!

Questions we’re answering in the episode:

  • Why do I feel like I’m “missing out” when I make healthy food choices? How do I get past this feeling? I want to comfortably say no to the fish and chips and be excited about the healthy lean protein/salad option.
  • How to eat now that I am trying to maintain low levels of estrogen?
  • What do you snack on or have for on the go food? Any thoughts about trying to lose weight and breastfeed? Tips on how to address sugar cravings in the middle of the night while breast feeding?
  • How to stay on track and not let the ups and downs of reality derail you?

We’re giving away a box of Energy+ in today’s episode! Stay tuned for the winner.

Be the winner of our next giveaway! Here’s how:

Got any questions for us? You can send us your questions here!

The Primal Potential Podcast

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