Episode 000 – What is Primal Potential & Elizabeth’s Story

Dec 30, 2014

In case you missed my big announcement, you’ve probably figured it out by now, but the Primal Potential podcast is now live!!! I am beyond excited – this is something I’ve been working on for a while and I truly believe it will be an incredibly powerful tool to help people finally achieve their weight loss goals. Check out the very first episode of the Primal Potential Podcast!!! Here’s a quick overview of everything we talked about!

What Is The Primal Potential Podcast?

Primal Potential is the incremental, anti-diet solution for effective, permanent weight loss. The Primal Potential Podcast will help you overcome emotional eating, hormonal imbalances, unhealthy habits & your dieting mindset through education and inspiration. We don’t just talk about what you should eat and what you should avoid – we talk STRATEGY. Primal Potential is bridging the gap between KNOWING and DOING. Each episode will leave you with concrete tips for making positive changes that make a difference.

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What Makes It Different From Other Health & Fitness Podcasts?

We have a really powerful format. Each episode tackles a common challenge or mainstream myth, reviews the actual facts or solutions and then provides practical implementation strategies so you can start making changes TODAY. Lots of other podcasts present one new approach after another, bringing on experts to share what they feel is the secret to weight loss but honestly, those shows can just leave you feeling more lost and confused than ever! The Primal Potential Podcast is committed to helping you find what works for you. We aren’t about crash diets or extreme protocols. We focus on natural, healthy solutions for permanent weight loss.

Lots of “weight loss experts” have never lost a serious amount of weight. Sure, maybe they’ve carried an extra 10-20 lbs from time to time but most of them certainly have never experienced the pain of food addiction, obesity, binge eating and the like. Primal Potential is different. I have been in the trenches. Yes, I have the educational and professional background in health and nutrition, but I also have a lifetime of struggling with obesity & crash dieting. I understand the struggle. I also understand the POTENTIAL we all have to reach our goals – I was able to overcome 20 years of struggling with emotional eating and food addiction and lose over 100  pounds without dieting. Every week I share with you my own experiences as well as my professional insights. I can relate to you and you can relate to me. I want to know your struggles and I want to help you overcome them. I want to form a connection with you.  I want you to reach out to me and tell me how I can help. I want to know what topics you are confused about, where you need  motivation, and how I can support and encourage you.

Getting Started Resources

My Story
The Hormone Responsible for Making You Fat, Hungry & Tired

The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard
Perfecting Paleo by Ashley Tudor
Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis

Supporting the Primal Potential Podcast

If you find this information useful, we’d be THRILLED if you’d take a minute to subscribe to the free podcast via itunes and while you’re there, please leave a rating and review! As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via the contact form or comment if you  have topics you’d love for us to cover or specific questions. We’re here to help YOU reach your goals.

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The Primal Potential Podcast

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