I talk on almost every episode about how important it is to write down what you eat & how it makes you feel. It’s not at all about calorie or macro counting but bringing mindfulness to your food choices & your body.
There are no more excuses! I’ve created a free food journal food you & we are going to kick off a 31-day journaling challenge for the month of May!
That’s right. I’ll give you a free food journal and you’ll commit to writing down everything you eat and how it makes you feel for 31 days. Deal?
Not sold yet? That’s ok. In today’s episode I’m talking about the objections to journaling and the primary benefits (which might change your mind!)
If you’re ready to dive in, click the pink button below to get your journal but definitely listen to the episode so you understand what we’re doing & why!
Listen Now
31-Day Challenge (And Your Free Food Journal)
In today’s episode I’m talking about the primary objectives to tracking & how to overcome them. I touch on
- The time it takes
- Guilt & shame over food choices
- Obsession over calorie counting (this journal does NOT encourage you to count anything at all!)
Then we dive into the primary benefits of tracking and why it’s so important to take on this 31-day challenge.
- Mindfulness – bringing conscious attention to your food choices, how much you eat and your goals
- What’s working & what’s not – having a journal is the most powerful way to quickly & easily see which strategies work for your body & which ones don’t
- Identifying triggers & big rocks – Tracking allows you to see what foods or situations are most likely to positively & negatively influence your choices. It also shows you the biggest factors in the way of your progress. There’s no better way to see these important factors.
- Interpret signals from your body – your body is constantly signaling you with things like hunger, cravings, mood, sleep & energy. When you write down these signals and when you feel them, you have powerful information about your health, hormones & fat loss status.
Breaking Barriers – Overcoming Emotional Eating & Self-Limiting Beliefs