694: Getting Out of Your Own Way

Dec 14, 2019

“How do I get out of my own way?” is a question we often hear! Sometimes, the answer is more about what you’re doing to get in your own way and if you’re willing to create an improvement today. In today’s episode we’re digging deeper into this question and many more!

Registration for the 12 Weeks to Transformation – Winter is finally open! It’s going to be a great way to start 2020!

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We’re answering these questions in this week’s Q&A:

  • I’m wondering if you have any lunch ideas and your reasons for choosing the ingredients etc. I often find lunch time the hardest part of my day for making good choices and would love some suggestions.
  • Where do I start?
  • I would like to know how many journals you have. Do you keep separate journals for your food and HEC  tracking, then another for Identity? Another for gratitude? Another for money?
  • Do you cook your salmon cakes before you freeze them?
  • How do I get out of my own way?
  • I was wondering if you could give some advice on how to find a credible Life Coach Certification program. There are so many online to choose from and since you are in this business, I would love to hear your input. By the way, would you mind sharing where you received your life coaching training?

Congratulations to today’s winner of a box of turmeric latte from Four Sigmatic! We made the exciting announcement by the end of the episode – stay tuned for that!

Registration for the 12 Weeks to Transformation – Winter is finally open! It’s going to be a great way to start 2020!


The Primal Potential Podcast

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