616: From Lost & Depressed to Happier Than Ever

Jun 17, 2019

I am so excited to introduce you to one of my 12 Weeks to Transformation clients. Before we started working together, she shared that she was depressed and feeing lost in life. She wanted to lose weight, yes, but generally, she just wanted to be happier and healthier.

As she shares her story, she’l share the ONE THING she had to change in order to lose weight, take control of her finances and become happier than she’s ever been.

If you’re ready to learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation, don’t wait! Now is the time! I would be happy to talk to you about your fears or worries! In fact, Thursday June 20th at 8pm ET I’m going live for a totally free workshop on overcoming past patterns and breaking free from habits that no longer serve you. This workshop is exclusively for people who are on the wait list, so that’s absolutely your first step. Please note that I will be on there LIVE so I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have!

Join the 12 WT Wait List

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/primalpotential/616_Deb_lost_happier_awareness.mp3″ background=”#00ccbb” social_email=”true” ]


Episode 559: Identity Journaling

Learn more about the 12 WT

If You’re Feeling Depressed…

Here are some episodes and blogs you might want to check out. I also strongly encourage you to seek support from a licensed mental health professional! Here’s a great place to start.

Sugar & Depression

490: Pain, Joy, Depression & Progress

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