569: Facing Your Fears – Listener Q&A

Mar 9, 2019

Growth and change will both require facing your fears. Progress demands that you face your fears.

Personally, I believe that fear is a doorway. Whether we’re talking about fear of failure, fear of judgement, fear of missing out or any other fear, it is a doorway.

Do you go through the doorway of the fear or do you remain on the other side, letting fear stop you and allowing it to limit your life, your growth, your happiness and your relationships?

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In today’s listener Q&A episode, I’m introducing the newest Primal Potential team member and we are sharing honestly how this transition has required both of us to face our fears and step through the doorway of fear.

We’re also answering your questions about:

  • overcoming emotional eating and the story of the struggle
  • leaving your job to start a new business
  • whether or not there are truly foods that make it more difficult to remain in control
  • adding vegetables to protein shakes
  • which veggies are best raw versus cooked

One of the major things I did recently to face my own fears was make three significant financial investments in Primal Potential.

  1. I hired a new team member (you meet her on today’s episode)
  2. I joined a $30,000 business mastermind
  3. I hired a business coach

Talk about facing your fears! These kinds of major financial investments have always been scary to me. However – here’s what they did for me: they forced me to level up. They demanded a next-level committment and performance from me. They were big and scary enough to help me think bigger and work smarter.

How are you facing your fears? What will you do about it today? If you’re ready to face your fears and make some changes, think about joining me for our next 12 Weeks to Transformation!


Learn more about our next 12 Weeks to Transformation! Registration opens soon and you can learn more by hopping on the wait list!

Are you part of the Primal Potential Facebook group?

Learn more about Sarah’s company: Seasouled

Get on the wait list to learn more about ASCEND, Primal Potential’s weekend workshop! And save the date! November 8-10 in downtown Portland, Oregon – right on the waterfront! It’s a weekend that will change your life!

Share your questions or challenges to the Primal Potential inbox!

Check out our last listener Q&A episode from Primal Potential episode 567

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