Today I’m sharing my coaching method with you. This isn’t just how I work with clients, it’s how I coach myself. I’m not on a diet and I don’t “put” my clients on a diet.
I’m not into guilt, drama, negativity, sacrifice or an obsession with a “goal weight”.
Today I’ll share with you my thoughts on paying attention, aligning your thoughts with what you want, creating change via evolution, not revolution, improving your outlook and constantly adjusting.
If you are ready to do things differently and create permanent change (while enjoying the process), this is your episode.
Before we dive into the episode: today I shared an opportunity for you to take a sneak peak inside the winter 12 Weeks to Transformation! While the podcast is mostly about information and strategy, the 12 WT is all about action. It’s about getting off the sidelines, into the game, and returning to action every day. In addition to weekly challenges, a guided daily journal, a private Facebook group and weekly live Q&As, I also share short daily coaching audio messages to help you return to your intentions each day, no matter what’s going on in your life. Want to experience 5 days of those short coaching messages? Share your email address here and you’ll get coaching messages right to your inbox for the next 5 days!
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Want to join the Winter 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation? Secure your spot here!
Still want to learn more about the 12 WT process? Listen to episode 546 of the Primal Potential Podcast
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