In this episode we’re talking about what omega 3 fatty acids are, which types of omega 3 improve our health and which ones don’t really move the needle. We go into the right and wrong types of foods for omega 3s and practical implementation strategies for really getting the true benefits from these powerful fatty acids! It is important to understand the truth about omega 3s, especially the fact that vegetarian sources of omega 3 do not deliver the health benefits we need. So many myths, so little time! Have questions about supplements? We’re talking about those, too! I’ll give you specific things to look for when buying an omega 3 supplement. Things you need to know! Hit “Play”!
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The Problem: Generally speaking, we are wildly deficient in omega 3 fatty acids and consuming far too many omega 6 fatty acids. Why? Because we over-consume processed foods, wheat and grains which are rich in pro-inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids and we under-consume good sources of omega 3 fatty acids like fatty fish and grass fed meat. Plus, people get really confused about omega 3s. They are not all created equal. Vegetarian sources of omega 3s don’t contain the super healthy omega 3s – EPA and DHA. We need to target the EPA & DHA. Along the same lines, not all dietary supplements are created equal and just because you’re supplementing doesn’t mean you’re getting what your body really needs. Deficiency is linked to nearly all inflammatory diseases, ADD, ADHD, infertility, depression, vascular disease, hormonal imbalance and much more.
The Solution: We need to focus on increasing our consumption of particular omega 3s known to deliver powerful health benefits (EPA & DHA) while also decreasing our consumption of omega 6s. One without the other is not enough!
Practical Implementation:
- Reduce consumption of processed foods
- Reduce consumption of sugar and starch
- Eat wild-caught fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring
- Choose grass fed meats
- Supplement intelligently, looking for supplements that emphasize EPA & DHA
To enter the Sizzlefish giveaway:
- Become a fan of Primal Potential on facebook
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- Comment on this blog OR the Primal Potential facebook page and tell me your favorite way to enjoy fish!
Here’s what you have the chance to win:
The winner will be selected and announced on Friday April 10th via the Primal Potential Fat Loss FB Page. Sizzlefish will send you your fish the week of April 13th!
Chia seed pudding recipe
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