In our 3rd QA episode we’re answering a question from a reader who doesn’t like exercise or vegetables and needs to balance weight loss with her many other priorities including kids, husband & work. We talk about how to navigate weight loss when you don’t like vegetables or exercise and establish what matters MOST when it comes to getting results.
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I asked everyone on my VIP email list to share with me how I can help them lose weight. I got a great response back from a woman who feels like she can’t relate to my approach primarily because:
1. She doesn’t like to exercise
2. She doesn’t like vegetables
3. She doesn’t eat/breathe fitness & nutrition.
In this episode I break down how you can reach your weight loss goals without being a veggie fan, without regular exercise and without centering your life around fitness & nutrition. I also talk about my current routine – how much time I spend in the kitchen & the gym, and the other obligations I have in my life versus what you all see on the blog/podcast/social media.
What are YOU struggling with? What is holding YOU back? How can I help you make this year THE YEAR that you achieve all your health goals? Leave a question in the comments or you can use the contact form on the homepage. Either way, let me knock down the barriers that are holding you back! Let’s do this!!!
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