Training Notes:

  • Consistency is not a switch, it’s a dial.
    • It’s not something that is on or off. You’re not in or out, and thinking so leads you to ideas like “starting tomorrow”.
  • Too often we think that either we’ve been successful or we haven’t. We see it as binary. We either did it or we haven’t done it.
    • It’s actually more like a number line. You might have moved from a -6 to a -4, though you won’t start to see results until you get to a +4. You’ve still made progress!
  • Just keep digging! It might be that all you see is dirt, but you’re getting closer!
  • A big mistake a lot of people make when trying to create change in their lives is focusing on the behavior they want to modify. They focus on eating less sugar, but eating less sugar is actually an end product of a more complex system (thoughts, beliefs, perspectives, excuses, environment, circumstances).
    • If you don’t address the root, you can’t change the fruit.
  • 4 Part Framework
    • 1: Reveal
    • 2: Reconsider
    • 3: Replace
    • 4: Refine
  • In step 1 we’re looking at what drives the behavior we want to change.
    • Are there beliefs I have (like food helps reduce stress) that drive this behavior?
    • Are there circumstances that drive this behavior?
    • Stories I tell myself?
    • Patterns of behavior?
  • In step 2 we’re looking more closely at what we uncovered in step 1 but also looking at how we want to think about our options or patterns. If I could think about this in any way, what would that be? Is there someone I admire who has a different perspective on this?
    • What else is true about the stories I’m telling myself now?
    • Is there something more true?
    • Is there another option?
    • What am I overlooking or leaving out?
  • Step 3 is where we marry the mindset/perspective work with a specific action step.
    • You must be specific as you go through this process. We aren’t looking at “eating cleaner” but rather one specific part of a bigger process (in any area of your life)
    • You’re going to replace an old perspective with a new one AND marry it to a specific action step
    • Your goal is to practice this new mindset AND it’s corresponding action step as many times as possible.
    • Remember: the perspective and the action step go hand in hand! You need them both
  • Step 4 is about looking at what’s working, what’s not working and making adjustments
    • You might find you’re still telling the old story/seeing through the old perspective more than you’re choosing the new one.
    • You might find that you’re practicing the action step but you aren’t tying it to the new belief/perspective
    • You might find that there’s an entirely different excuse or perspective holding you back and now you need to go through this process with that perspective.
  • The replay provides lots of examples and more context so if anything is unclear, revisit the replay and don’t hesitate to reach out to me with questions!

You can download the slides by clicking here. 

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