630: Those Who Won’t Or Don’t Change

Jul 18, 2019

What’s the solution for those who don’t change? For those who won’t change? Have you ever felt like you just can’t get yourself to do the work? I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the best way to help clients who, despite really wanting to, don’t change. Today’s episode is all about that strategy. Tune in! It might surprise you!

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What is ASCEND?
ASCEND is Primal Potential’s annual weekend workshop where we dive deep into personal growth, mindset and taking life to the next level.

When & where?
November 8th-10th 2019 in downtown Portland, Oregon. We’ll have a super casual meet & greet on Friday night with apps and drinks and then we’ll go all day Saturday and all day Sunday, wrapping up by 4pm Sunday.

How is it different from the podcast or from the 12 Weeks to Transformation?
Here’s the best way I can describe it – there is something truly magical that happens when you remove yourself from the distractions of daily life and give two full days to yourself – to your growth – to tearing down the walls that keep you from the very best, brightest life possible for you. This is as close as there is to a short cut to growth, progress and success. Every single time I do the work to step out of my life and invest myself in a business workshop or a personal development workshop, I leave feeling like I am YEARS ahead of where I was when I walked in. Folks who were at ASCEND in Nashville and Boston are STILL using the tools we explored there!

What can I expect?
For your expectations to be exceeded. Seriously. To leave feeling more clear, more focused and more inspired than you’ve ever been. To leave knowing what you want to do and believing that you can and you will do it!

What’s included?
In addition to the workshop material over two days, you’ll receive recordings of each session so you can revisit the material. Lunch is included both Saturday & Sunday and appetizers and drinks on Friday.. You’ll get a workbook and a great swag bag!

How do I get my ticket?
Click this link! There are only 80 total tickets for this event and as of July 17th, only 24 remain. 

Please note – this is an early bird price. Ticket prices will increase by $100 next week.

Want to Learn More about Gut Health?

Here’s a presentation Brooke Thomas and I gave on gut health and it’s impact on mood states. Though we do talk about a business opportunity, please know you can simply buy gut health products as a customer. To learn more about specific recommendations I’d make to someone who was struggling to create change because of an apathetic mood state, email me directly and we’ll talk more about it.


The Primal Potential Podcast

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