727: 5 Things I’m Doing to be Healthier After Baby

Feb 27, 2020

Today I’m sharing 5 specific shifts I’m making to optimize my health, energy and mindset after baby! Don’t worry though, this isn’t an episode just for moms! As I committed to these changes in my own life, I realized how helpful and powerful they are regardless of your age, gender or family style!

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Links Mentioned In Today’s Episode

Cook Once Eat all Week

Predominantly Paleo Cowboy Chili

Free Audible Trial

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

The Book of Awakening

Think & Grow Rich

The Third Door

Atomic Habits

Chasing Cupcakes

EB’s Fave Protein Shake

EB’s Probiotics for Mental Health

EB’s Probiotics for Digestive Health

EB’s Energy Drink

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The Primal Potential Podcast

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