I absolutely love working my 1:1 clients. Yes, I have studied nutrition and biochemistry for years. I have worked in the industry. I have had my own transformation. But working so closely with other people as they work through their own challenges, struggles, victories and transformations has been one of the most educational experiences of my life. Today I wanted to share 6 fat loss lessons I’ve learned from working with my 1:1 coaching clients. These men and women have taught me some very powerful things about life and fat loss and I am excited to share those lessons with you today! Beyond that, I want to continue to share critical nutrition strategies for fat loss, workouts, recipes & more to help you reach your goals! So hurry up and get yourself on the free VIP email list already! Just pop in your name and email address and let’s be friends!
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6 Fat Loss Lessons I’ve Learned From My Clients
- There is no “ideal” or “average” rate of progress. Everyone’s progress looks different and that is totally ok. We tend to measure against what the diet industry has told us is normal/ideal (2 lbs/wk) and for many people, that’s not how progress is achieved. And that’s perfectly wonderful!!
- People need different degrees of indulging and abstaining for best results. There’s no magic formula for consistency or indulging.
- We very quickly forget where we started and that’s a huge red flag
- Your willingness to ask for help (even when you aren’t comfortable) is directly correlated to your success and the rate of your results
- Learning to switch your focus is immeasureably effective
- We tend to pull away when we really should lean in. Resisting the urge to pull away and instead leaning in when you don’t feel like it is directly related to the rate of your progress
Overcoming Emotional Eating & Self Limiting Beliefs
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