So much wisdom coming from my Masters Club this morning! I logged in to our group this morning, like I always do and there was a clear theme coming through…
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The theme is: action creates peace.
We spend so much time thinking and not nearly enough doing. We’re thinking about what we did wrong, what we should have done differently, what we didn’t do and what we can do tomorrow to make up for it all. All of that thinking generates a lot of emotion & tension.
Action, however, saves energy & creates peace. Plus, it moves you forward towards your goals while generating motivation and momentum.
Here’s what 3 different clients in my Masters Club have posted in the last 24 hours:
Bogged down in the thinking for way too long and then realized I could be DONE with one of the items if I had just been doing it instead of over analyzing the choice. I think I was trying to ‘pause’ but on a task that didn’t require pausing. I realized that I get bogged down in making the perfect choice on things that don’t really matter as a means of avoiding thinking about and making decision on what does. Definitely reaffirmed my goal of getting the baseline systems in place, get the mundane automated if not actually than practically.
As I said a few times to them this week: the magic is in the mundane!
And another:
Action is calming, over thinking is not. It seems the less tightly I hold onto the outcome, the more open my eyes, heart and mind become. This is a giant shift from my very calculated and very controlled planning self.
Action is calming, over thinking is not. So good. When we find ourselves caught in the thinking, how can we move from thinking to doing?
Last one:
The tough part of the journaling was how to manifest it when I feel in a slump. I kept circling back to action. Calm action. Either the action itself brings me joy and excitement (a road trip to the river with a friend) or the end result of the action brings me joy (the feeling of having a really clean house). Calm action as a bounceback strategy.
I keep repeating the words calm action in my journal. Over and over, I see it appear in my entries. Calm. Action. One thing at a time. Make the next move. Don’t worry about the one after that. Create joy with action. Stay calm. Take action. Be a tsunami of joy.
I feel like there’s so more I haven’t journaled about when it comes to joy. I’m cracking my world wide open. There’s so much joy and excitement coming my way that I haven’t even imagined yet, and action gets me farther down that path.
Wisdom, right? This is why I freakin’ adore the Masters Club.
I took today off from the gym today, which I rarely do during the week but here’s why: due to my knee injury, I’ve been doing much more upper body training – strict press, push-ups, pull-ups. Upper body typically doesn’t recover as quickly as lower body and my upper body volume has been much higher than normal. I was feeling very sore (good sore) this morning and since I’m not traveling this weekend, I can get to the gym tomorrow (Saturday). So, Friday is an active rest day and I’ll get in a solid workout tomorrow.
On the food front:
Two things are making today’s food choices a bit different from normal. First, I’m not working out today so I’ll stay away from any starch. You won’t see sweet potatoes in my diet on a day that I’m not training. Second, I’m heading up to Maine with my mom & sister this afternoon so I’ll be sitting in the car for much of the afternoon & evening. Lots of time on my butt, less of a need for fuel.
This morning is all about the work hustle. I had a huge plate of cooked shredded cabbage this morning (sautéed with ghee & coconut aminos) and 2 eggs.
I had a couple ounces of macadamia nuts on the car ride along with coffee. All the coffee today.
I’m writing this before I head out so my guess is that I’ll have dinner with my mom & sister and it will be my largest meal of the day – starch free, focusing on protein, fat & veggies. Maybe a burger without the bun and a side salad or a piece of salmon and some veggies.
I hope you have a great weekend and remember: action creates peace! Consciously redirect yourself from thought to action.