Perspective: Becoming Warren Buffett

by | Feb 6, 2017 | Blog

The other day I watched the new HBO documentary Becoming Warren Buffett.

If you aren’t familiar with Warren Buffet, he is a self-made billionaire investor and I think he’s pretty brilliant. I’ve been fascinated with his life for years.

In the documentary, he sits down with a group of students and poses the following hypothetical scenario:

He said: imagine I’m going to buy each one of you a car. Any car you want. Here’s the catch – it’s the only car you will ever own.

In that case, you’d choose carefully, right? You’d evaluate every detail and option in terms of what you wanted most and what would support the longevity of the car.

And then, once you got it, you’d take dang good care of that thing, right? Of course you would because if you didn’t, you’d be without a car for the rest of your life.

Then he says: I’m not buying any of you a car.

But the scenario is true of something else – your body and your mind. They are the only ones you’ll ever get.

Most of us take that for granted. We don’t bring awareness, every day, to the fact that the longevity, strength and capabilities of our bodies and minds are directly correlated to the way we care for them.

So please consider this:

Are you taking care of your mind in a way that reflects that it’s the only mind you’ll ever have?

Are you taking care of your mind in a way that reflects that it’s growth, maintenance or decline are directly tied to your daily choices?

Are you taking care of your body in a way that reflects that it’s the only body you’ll ever have?

Are you taking care of your body in a way that reflects that’s growth, maintenance or decline are directly tied to your daily choices?

Food for thought.

The Primal Potential Podcast

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