Don’t Turn Your Blessings Into Burdens

by | Sep 22, 2017 | Blog

I’m tired. I’m having trouble sleeping. I’m kinda emotional. There are two perspectives here:

I’ve got too much on my plate to prioritize working out & eating well.

I’ve got so much on my plate I absolutely must prioritize working out & eating well.

I can convince myself that all that is on my plate is a burden or I can know in my heart that everything on my plate is a blessing. 

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Yup, life is full right now. There’s a lot to be done and many challenges.

It’s Fat Loss Fast Track launch week which is always crazy.

ASCEND is in 6 weeks.

I’m building a tiny house & don’t know where I’m going to put it.

I’m running a business.

I’m in the process of harvesting my eggs to freeze, so I’m taking an ever-increasing amount of hormones orally and, as of this weekend, via multiple daily injections.

Needless to say: I am tired and emotional but these aren’t burdens. They are blessings. I refuse to turn my blessings into burdens. 

Through my choices and attitude I can either be the victim or the victor.

I can create a story about how hard life is, how stressed & tired I am, how much more challenging these obstacles are when I’m trying to build a house and am injecting myself with hormones.

Or, I can create a story about how blessed I am to have a thriving business and people to help. I can create a story where I am getting a chance to practice what I preach – to be a victor creating strength through choice instead of a victim of my circumstances.

This is a chance to refuse to turn my blessings into burdens.

A busy business is a blessing, not a burden.

Opportunities to help people are blessings, not burdens.

Freezing my eggs is a blessing, not a burden.

Situations that allow me to face my fears are blessings, not burdens.

Building a new home is a blessing, not a burden.

Taking excellent care of myself is a blessing, not a burden.

Making great food choices makes things easier because I have more energy and my mood is more stable.

Regardless of the perspective you choose, this is when it matters most that I take excellent care of myself – when it feels hard and would be easy to make excuses or exceptions. 

This is also when, in the past, I’d have justified eating what I want, when I want, as much as I want and skipping workouts because it was just “too much”.

No no. When life is crazy and challenging is when it matters most.

Through my choices, hundreds of times a day, I can make this challenging season easier or harder.

Making not-so-great food choices makes things harder because I’m tired, cranky and frustrated.

Working out makes me feel more clear-headed & in control.

I had a doctor appointment at 7am today. I felt rushed with my work because I had to be out of the house by 6am. As I sat in the waiting room, I made a list. I wrote in my notebook:

What choices can I make today to make the day easier? What choices can I make today to make me feel more positive & in control?

Work out. Eat clean. Don’t prioritize work that doesn’t need to get done today. Do what must be done for work. Rest. Ask for help. Do something fun. Listen to great music.

This is when it matters most.

Because of my early doctor appointment, I had to workout a little later in the morning than normal but the energy in the class was amazing. The workout was pretty great, too. Hard as hell but great.

First, we worked up to a heavy single power clean. I didn’t go to my max because I had just given blood, but I still pushed myself for a good, hard, heavy lift.

Then we had a killer WOD.

“Pull Over”
For Time:
21 Lateral Barbell Burpees
21 Power Cleans
21 Lateral Barbell Burpees

I came out a bit too hot on the first set of burpees over the bar and slowed down a fair amount on the 2nd set of 21 but I kept moving and maintained a steady pace. I feel good about it.

On the food front:

After my doctor appointment I got a large coffee with a splash of heavy cream. I usually drink my coffee black but since I hadn’t eaten & was heading to the gym, I wanted a little something on my stomach for the later-than-normal workout.

I’m giving myself a working weekend away so I stopped to take myself out to lunch after my workout. I got a burger, no bun, with bacon & avocado. So delish and an indulgence that is completely aligned with my goals.

I made sure to drink a lot of water throughout the day since giving blood can make me feel crappy if I’m not well hydrated.

Dinner was a beautiful piece of white fish and a side salad.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend & choose to stay really focused on what you can do to take impeccable care of yourself!

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