Enough. You Are Not Your Past

by | Oct 10, 2017 | Blog

If I defined myself by my past choices & patterns of behavior, it would go like this:

I’m fat. I’m inconsistent. I don’t follow through. I’m an emotional eater. Once I start eating sugar, I just can’t stop. I’m pretty good at losing weight but terrible at keeping it off. I can be disciplined for a few days or even a few weeks, but I inevitably go back to my old behaviors. I’m stuck in a viscious, exhausting cycle.

That’s a pretty depressing view of myself. It’s true, but it’s true of my past not my present. In the present, I’m free to choose differently. That’s how I create change. By dropping the habit of defining myself & my present capabilities by my past patterns & choices. By taking full advantage of the newness of each moment.

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There’s a huge difference between your past choices and your present identity & capability. You are not your choices.

Your past doesn’t limit your present. You are fresh in each moment & the only way your past follows you into this present moment is if you choose it.

You don’t have to. Every choice is a totally blank slate.

I saw this the other day on the Compete Every Day Instagram account & I couldn’t agree more.

I’ll add to it: quit letting who you were talk you out of who you can be today. Of the change you can create today.

Stop defining yourself by your past. Stop projecting your past onto your present & future. Stop limiting yourself with your history.

If you want to keep making those choices, okay.

But at least own the fact that you don’t have to. You are free to act differently today and any day.


I am beyond pumped to say that I made it back to the gym today! I’m not going to get into the challenges of the weekend recovery, but I’m finally feeling a little better and I was determined to get in my normal workout.

I’ll be honest: when I woke up this morning I did not want to workout. I went through the mental gymnastics of talking myself out of it but ultimately, I knew I’d feel better if I went, so I did.

The workout was totally in my wheelhouse with lots of deadlifts.

Build to Heavy Set of 5

followed by…

“Flat Tire” 
On the Minute x 12 (4 Rounds)
10 Deadlifts (185/135)
20 AbMat Sit-Ups
Max Calorie Bike

I planned to just ease into it but my body felt pretty good pushing at about a level 7 effort. I definitely feel better!

On the food front:

It’s a chicken soup day. And yes, that’s it. I don’t want to introduce anything else to my body right yet so I’m just turning to chicken soup whenever I feel hungry & drinking plenty of water. No rice or noodles in the chicken soup, of course.

My mom made me a bunch of chicken soup before my procedure and I’ve been making it last by adding bone broth to it (I prefer my soup to be mostly broth with just a little chicken & veggies).

Plus, bone broth is awesome for recovery & healing, which I need lots of!

Thrive Market has their own brand of grass-fed bone broth that I stocked up on before my procedure. I think it’s delish & it’s super affordable! Only $8.49 for a 17oz container!

In October 2019, our relationship with Thrive Market changed. They decided to put their marketing dollars in avenues outside of podcasting but we still think they’re a good choice if you’re looking to save money on health & personal care products.

The Primal Potential Podcast

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