This past weekend, I shared a really personal bit of audio from ASCEND Nashville last year about why I didn’t give up on my body even when I stopped getting results.
I talk candidly about the trials of the last couple years – illness, moving, heartbreak, divorce & beyond – and what kept me committed to self-care when life was really, really hard & my body wasn’t responding.
I can’t tell you how many people emailed me to share how much it moved & inspired them so I’m sharing it here with you!
Last year at ASCEND while kicking off the weekend by sharing my story, I explained why I didn’t give up and how I kept myself committed to the work even on the days when I just wanted to give up, hide, eat and escape the entire world.
I found some of the audio on my phone and I wanted to share it with you. It begins with me sharing how I leveraged success in other areas of my life to create success in weight loss and then I talk about my own personal struggles AFTER significant weight loss and how I held on tight and refused to surrender to circumstance.
The clip is less than 12 minutes & I hope it inspires you to re-think what “success” is and what your “why” is.
As I shared in the audio clip, I don’t eat the way I eat & choose the things I choose because of the results they bring. I do it because of the way it makes me feel.
Here’s the full link:
I would LOVE to have you at ASCEND Boston with me! I hope you decide to join us – it’s going to be an incredibly powerful weekend!
Today’s workout was amazing. One of my favorites, for sure! I LOVE this style of push-rest fitness. I brought my level 10 effort & felt amazing when I left the gym.
“Village People”
50/35 Calorie Row
AMRAP Macho Man (95/65)
rest 5:00
35/25 Calorie Row
AMRAP Macho Man (115/80)
rest 5:00
20/15 Calorie Row
AMRAP Macho Man (135/95)
Macho Man, for those who aren’t sure, is:
3 power cleans
3 front squats
3 push jerks
I’m so happy with this workout! I wish I could do it every day!
On the food front:
I shared my breakfast over on my Instagram story – a cabbage salad bowl with raw cabbage, 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, 1/2 and avocado & a little bit of Primal Kitchen Chipotle Lime Mayo.
Around 2pm I had 1 hardboiled egg, half an avocado and a little bit of coconut butter.
I hit up Chipotle Mexican Grill for dinner – a salad with chicken, salsa & guacamole.
That’s all for today! Please make sure to listen to the 12 minute audio clip above!