Hey guys! I’m taking it easy today after a rough weekend & not responding perfectly to anesthesia but I wanted to pop in with my thoughts & random observations for the day.
If we could all get beter at recognizing when we’re creating drama & stories that aren’t helpful, we’d be happier, healthier and more successful. I’m sure of this!
Most of our frustrations & problems come when we’re being a little dramatic. We’re adding more to reality than is really there & it holds us up.
The “don’t swing angry” lesson from my trip to the driving range is such an important one. I shared it in the VIP email yesterday, but here’s a quick blurb from it:
I took a break from my football watching marathon on Saturday to go to the driving range & hit some balls. I’m not a golfer but I totally enjoy hitting a bucket of balls.
As I worked through the bucket, I got a couple pieces of advice that made a huge difference in the quality & distance of my drives. After dinner, I thought about how powerfully they can be applied to the way we approach any & all of our goals.
1. Don’t swing angry.
It might be true that I was swinging the club with quite a fury. I was coming down fast & hard. Standing behind me, my boyfriend suggested, “Don’t swing angry. Let the club do the work.”
If we approach a task & aren’t calm, chances are that won’t be quite as effective, efficient or on target as we want to be.
If we’re making choices when we’re stressed, frustrated, irritated, sad, lonely or anything in between, we probably aren’t making our best choice.
It reminds me of a blog I wrote this week along the same lines about how a calm mind is a strong mind.
Be calm. Eliminate drama.
Tomorrow I’ll be back with normal blogs!