The Next 10 Minutes

by | Jan 30, 2018 | Blog

“You can do so much in ten minutes’ time. Ten minutes, once gone, are gone for good. Divide your life into ten-minute units and sacrifice as few as possible in meaningless activity.”

~ Ingvar Kamprad

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Ingvar Kamprad was an impressive man. He started selling matches when he was 5 years old and graduated to selling bicycles when he was just seven.

Though reportedly the 3rd richest man in Europe at the time of his death, he lived by the philosophies of simplicity & frugality.

Those philosophies are self-evident in the company he founded: IKEA.

He died just days ago on January 27, 2018.

His quote (shared in Tim Ferriss’s book Tribe of Mentors) is incredibly simple & straight forward; it’s also powerful on many levels.

“You can do so much in ten minutes’ time. Ten minutes, once gone, are gone for good. Divide your life into ten-minute units and sacrifice as few as possible in meaningless activity.”

Guys, the time we waste is time we will never get back. We don’t get to manufacture more time because we wasted it watching TV, complaining or being lazy. Because we didn’t live our best life or pursue our highest potential.

What are the meaningless activities in your life? 

They will be differently for each one of us. Are you aware of when you’re giving your time away to them? Of how much time you’re giving away to them?

How can you give less of your precious time to them? What does that look like today?

The time we take full advantage of is also time we’ll never get back. Time with our loved ones, time doing things that light us up…

Are we present for it? Are we paying attention? Are we appreciating it? Do we take it for granted?

An equally powerful consideration: how much more manageable would our days seem if we divided them into 10 minute increments?

We’d be so much less overwhelmed if we took just 10 minutes at a time.

How much more meaningful would our lives be & feel if we worked to sacrifice as few of those increments as possible to meaningless activity?

What can you do to live this out today?

Here’s to a meaningful day with little time wasted & all time appreciated.

The Primal Potential Podcast

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