4 Tools for Overcoming Insecurity

by | Dec 20, 2021 | Blog

It feels like insecurity is more prevalent than ever, especially as people compare themselves, their relationships, finances, businesses, fitness, fashion and everything else against what they see on the internet. I decided to share my own tips for overcoming insecurity after feeling insecure about so many things while on a business trip to Cabo last month.

I caught myself low-key comparing my outfits, my business, my personality and my postpartum body while I could have been soaking in the sun and family time. I’ll tell you – it didn’t feel good and, left unchecked, can wreak havoc on our mental health and relationships.

I go through these 4 tools and how I apply them in episode 943 of the Primal Potential podcast so definitely tune in to that episode too!

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4 Tools for Overcoming Insecurity

  1. Evaluate what you have at the center of the story
  2. Remember that it’s a focus before it’s a feeling
  3. Ask yourself what matters most (and if you’re acting like it)
  4. Remind yourself that you create your results and if you don’t like something, you can give your energy to changing it

You’re definitely going to want to listen to episode 943 to hear all the examples of each of these tools and how I use them in my own life, but I’ll give you a little insight right here.

Evaluate what you have at the center of the story

More often than not, we have ourselves at the center of the story when we’re feeling insecure. We are thinking about our bodies, our income or any number of other things related to ourselves. When you put something else at the center of the story like connection, another person, or a value you hold, the insecurity starts to fade away. (If you want more on this, tune in to episode 943!

Remember that it’s a focus before it’s a feeling

This is one of my most powerful reminders when it comes to overcoming insecurity. Everything is a focus before it’s a feeling! That means that if we shift the focus, we will change how we feel. I share in episode 943 how when I focus on my postpartum body in a bathing suit and what other people might think, I feel a certain way. However, when I shift my focus to how blessed I am to have a healthy baby to play with in the pool, I feel very different!

Ask yourself what matters most (and if you’re acting like it)

In the podcast episode, I share a moment when I had to stop myself in the middle of my insecurity and ask myself what matters most. I thought about how family and health matter most and realized very quickly that I wasn’t acting like it! In your moments of insecurity, stop and ask yourself these questions!

You create your results

There are always going to be things we don’t like about ourselves or our circumstances but here’s the deal: we create our results. You can either give your energy to how you feel about the problem or you can give your energy to what you’re going to do about the solution. You create your results. In my moments of insecurity, I remind myself that if I don’t like it, I can change it! Time to get to work!

Tune in to episode 943 for a deeper conversation and be sure to let me know what you think!

The Primal Potential Podcast

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