What we achieve, or fail to achieve, depends largely on our attitude & mindset. That’s why I created a positivity pledge for everyone who attended ASCEND Nashville back in 2016.
As I get prepared for a life-changing weekend at ASCEND Boston in November, I was going back through the workbook from last year. One of the first pages is the positivity pledge & I thought I’d share it with you.
Heck, just reading it this morning on Anchor got me fired up to make today an amazing day. When you take these words to heart and translate them into thought & actions, magic can happen!
Here’s the Primal Potential Positivity Pledge & I’ve included an image that you can print or save below.
I am here to grow.
Growth begins with my attitude & mindset.
I am here to find solutions, not to focus on problems.
I am determined to be a positive influence in my own life.
Life will present me with problems but I will not create them by being negative or cynical.
I know that perspective is a choice and a positive one will move me forward & enhance my life.
I will smile more.
I will laugh more.
I know that moving beyond where I am requires letting go of what keeps me here.
I embrace hard work because I know it’s the path to growth & transformation.
I won’t give in to fear.
I will practice being resilient, creative and hopeful.
I will stay positive no matter what energy is around me.
I am more interested in being happy than in being stubborn or right.
Setbacks don’t bring me down, they strengthen my resolve.
I look for a way, not a way out.
I won’t follow negative thoughts.
I will seek & find opportunities each day to make positivity louder.
Which line of the positivity pledge resonates most with you right now? For me it’s:
I will stay positive no matter what energy is around me.
What would you add to the pledge or what will you take from it?
To learn more about ASCEND Boston or to get your tickets, visit primalpotential.com/ascendboston/