Praise! We made it to the 3rd trimester! 11 weeks until my due date!
The end of the second trimester was a total whirlwind. I had a mastermind meeting in California then I was off to ASCEND in Portland Oregon. We were home for a couple days and then left again for an incentive trip to Costa Rica. As soon as we got back it was Thanksgiving and then our baby shower! Primal Potential’s new COO starts next week, the 12 Weeks to Transformation launch is next week, I’m continuing to record 5-6 podcast episodes each week to make sure I’m well ahead before baby…there’s been a lot happening and that makes time go by so fast!
I feel big and also totally welcome the fact that I’ll be getting much bigger. It’s all good! This is a “big” season of life in every way!
She kicks like crazy and still has enough room to roll over and change directions – I’ll routinely see her head or her bumb sticking out from my belly.
The very BEST news is that our tenant moved out of the apartment on our property so we immediately moved into it. That means that though the renovation of the main house continues, we now have a kitchen, a real bathroom and a bed that isn’t on the floor! (We love our tenant, we’re just sooooo pumped to have a kitchen after nearly 6 months without one!)
That means I’m back to cooking and eating more “real” food! I’ve made chili, brussels sprouts, cauliflower rice…it’s amazing what having a kitchen will do for a pregnant woman! Baby very much prefers apples and starchy carbs, but we’re finding a far more comfortable balance now that the kitchen is back in play!
We’re hopeful the renovation will be completed by the end of January. I’m sure we’ll be recruiting the help of family to get our stuff out of storage and into the house since I’ll be little to no help at that point!
Pregnancy Insomnia Is Real
The struggle right now is lack of sleep. I can fall asleep easily but wake up within an hour and stay awake for many, many hours. I’m adjusting to it, but that’s the hardest part.
Physically, I feel more limited. Bending forward is no longer comfortable. Sitting up from a reclined position is a unique challenge. I get winded much more quickly. The other day I was doing kettlebell swings in my office and I felt winded after the first 10!
I have a fair amount of pelvic bone pain and recently started to feel some low back pain, but otherwise, I feel great physically.
It still feels entirely surreal that there will be a baby here soon but we are very excited. It will be interesting to not have a maternity leave but I have an epic support system and I know we’ll make it work for us.
At our shower, there was a little trivia game. One of the questions was what we are each most excited about related to the baby.
For me, I’m most excited to see her face. I’m second most excited to see my grandmother (who is 99) hold her first (or second) grandbaby. My cousin and I are both pregnant and our due dates are only 3 days apart! I can’t wait to see my grandmother hold both baby girls!
Since the house is still being renovated, my office is filling up with boxes of baby stuff. Bassinets, car seats, swings, breast pump, etc. Every day I try to create a little order, but it will really have to wait until the renovation is complete.
I’m in no rush to pack a hospital bag – there’s really not much I’ll need and there’s nothing that can’t be grabbed after we get there.
We’ve been talking about who we want to inform when we head to the hospital and how we want to handle/limit hospital visitors, but again, we aren’t feeling too much pressure to have a firm plan. We’re pretty flexible about all that stuff.
As long as the house is complete when baby comes, we’ll plan to have any guests (my mom, his parents, etc) stay in the apartment so we can have time, space and privacy in the main house without guests for the first 4-6 weeks.
We’re so excited to watch this journey unfold!