Progress Is Measured In Your Choices

by | Sep 5, 2016 | Blog

How do you measure your progress?

The number on the scale?

The tag inside your jeans?

I got an incredible email from a listener who recently had a breakthrough and it absolutely needs to be shared. Here’s what she wrote.

I’ve been tracking and journaling the past week and reflecting on some tough rocks that have been with me for more then 40 years about food, shame, guilt, blame, restriction, and fear. I’m identifying that I have to let go of the scale and measure progress in new ways.

Talking to myself today and saying,
Progress is measured choice by choice not pound by pound.

Thank you Elizabeth for sharing your self and your journey.

Try measuring your progress choice by choice.

Try measuring your progress by degrees of improvement in your choices, not degrees of improvement on the scale.

Look to improve your journey and the results will take care of themselves.

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