I recently shared a tool I love with my Fat Loss Fast Track clients – automated text messages.
I use a free tool called IFTTT (If This, Then That) to trigger motivational, encouraging text messages to come to me at specific times of the day.
You can use IFTTT for a million things, but my clients are loving this resource to send encouraging text messages when they need them most – maybe after dinner or on their drive home from work.
If you struggle to make good choices after work, you might schedule a text that says, “You can do this! Just for today, make decisions that move you towards your goals!”
Or maybe you’ll simply write, “You can do hard things!”
I’ve created a simple tutorial video that you can view here on how to set these up.
First, you’ll need to create your free account on IFTTT.com and then I’ll walk you through the process step-by-step.
Definitely let me know if you use this and what you think!
Here’s to moving forward in the direction of your goals!
PS: If you haven’t heard my special announcement about ASCEND, the first ever Primal Potential weekend transformation event, listen to it now before it fills up! Not only will we spend an entire weekend together, we’ll spend the 4 weeks leading up to the event doing activities and challenges to more completely understand our unique challenges, struggles and self-limiting beliefs & behaviors!