Are you doing the work? Putting in the effort? Just like your closet won’t clean itself, you can’t read about refreshing your mind and expect it to take hold. You have to do the work and it is SO worth it.
Today’s tip comes to you from my dear friend Brooke Thomas – you met her on episode 589 of the Primal Potential podcast.
Take it away, Brooke!
When it comes to cleaning out the clutter of our minds, I’ve noticed there is always ONE thing above anything else that keeps us from living the life we truly desire.
I’ve talked to thousands of women who are looking for something more out of their life and it’s the same thing for all of them regardless of age, income or background.
I’m talking about FEAR. It’s not serving you and it’s time to let it go! Fear of criticism, fear of failure, and maybe, fear of success! You’re probably thinking ‘whoa! I can’t just throw out the fears that have been holding me back for all these years! ‘ You’re right. It’s not that easy. But you know what you CAN do today?
Truly overcoming our fears takes intention and purposeful work. BUT ANYONE CAN CHOOSE to do something even though they are afraid. It is the first step in getting you to the other side.
TIP: CHOOSE to take the FEELING of FEAR and turn it into EXCITEMENT towards walking into your destiny! 5-4-3-2-1-GO!
CHALLENGE: Today I want you to do something that scares you.
It could be something like:
Make that phone call you’ve been putting off
Start a new hobby because YOU want to
Try something you’ve always wanted to try but were too worried what other people would think.
Tell someone what you’ve been too afraid to say
Say YES to that big project.
Decide to go for that big dream that’s been whispering to you.
Trust in the life that was MEANT FOR YOU!
I promise you will feel so FREE once you take that step. You’ll feel your confidence rise every time you do it.
You can watch a video I’ve done on acting through fear here.
If you want to learn more tools about overcoming the fears that are standing in the way of your success then join check out one of the many FREE trainings on mindset, leadership and creating authentic relationships in the thriving Live Out Loud online community on Facebook and Instagram.