The Best Way To Do It

by | Oct 24, 2016 | Blog

We waste a lot of time thinking.

We waste a lot of time searching.

We waste a lot of time evaluating other people’s strategies.

I saw a t-shirt the other day that said, “The best way to do it is to do it.”

Imagine how dramatically your life would change if you took action each time you had thoughts of “I wish…”, “I hope…” or “I should…”

Imagine how your life would change if you turned off the thought faucet and turned thinking into doing.

It doesn’t have to be some massive action, but even a small step in the direction of your goals each time you think

I should workout…

I should make a good choice….

I wish I was seeing more results…

I wish I had more self-discipline…

The best way to do it is to do it.

Let those thoughts be a trigger to take ACTION.

Do something.

Put yourself to bed.

Prepare a fat loss friendly meal.

Go to the gym.

Stop thinking, start doing.

The best way to do it is to do it.

Train yourself to be a person of action, not a person delayed by over-thinking.

The Primal Potential Podcast

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