Top 10ish Questions About Chasing Cupcakes

by | Jan 18, 2019 | Blog

In case you missed it, my first book – Chasing Cupcakes – was released into the world on January 10th, 2019! I am beyond excited and overwhelmed with gratitude for your support! I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the book so I thought I’d take a few minutes to share my thoughts on the most common ones. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments! And, while you’re here: it would be WILDLY helpful if you’d leave a rating & review of the book on Amazon!

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I’m going to start with the most frequent question I’ve received since it’s release:

When will it be available on Audible?

It is now! Here’s a little context for you: hardcover, paperback, electronic and audio books are all governed differently. That means there are a ton of logistics and moving parts when it comes to a book release. Though we thought we timed things just right to have the Audible version live on January 10th, it didn’t workout quite that way and Audible went live Thursday January 17th. That means hardcover, paperback, Kindle and Audible are now live on Amazon!

A variation of this question is related to who recorded the audio for Audible. I did! I read every single word of the 8 hours and 24 minutes. It took 5 days to record from start to finish, much of which was spent waiting around while technical difficulties were sorted through.

Audible does have the exclusive on this book, which means it will not be available on other audiobook platforms.

What’s the book about?

Simply: it’s a strategy book, guide and action plan for creating change in your life.

Less simply: We don’t need more information. Whatever the change is that you want to create, you could probably go on for hours, if not days, about the steps you could take, choices you should make, etc.

When I was 350+ pounds and living paycheck to paycheck while my debts continued to accumulate, I KNEW what to do differently. I had spent years gathering information and getting every expert opinion.

The problem was that I didn’t DO those things, or at least I didn’t do them consistently.

What I needed was a resource that would help me stop giving up, giving in and making excuses.

That’s what Chasing Cupcakes is. It’s the tool book that helps you help yourself so you no longer feel stuck, overwhelmed or ensnared in past patterns.

Will it help me lose weight?

If you use the book as I explain in the chapter called, “How to Use This Book”, it will help you create any change you desire, whether it’s related to your happiness, career, finances, relationship, health or anything else.

What does “Chasing Cupcakes” mean?

Funny story – on book release day, I was trying to stay on top of all the emails and comments on social media. One gentleman commented, “I thought you were keto!” and I was totally confused by that comment. I read it to my mom, who had come down for the day, and she said, “Because there’s a cupcake on the cover.

Ohhhhhh. It was a literal interpretation.

To be clear: I do not literally chase down cupcakes…

Since the book is fundamentally about creating change and not specific to weight loss or money, I had been toying with all sorts of titles about change. They all felt generic and not compelling.

My best friend Andrew, tired of hearing me obsess over the options, finally said, “Don’t overthink it. Just go with your gut.

I joked, “If I actually go with my gut, I’d call it Chasing Cupcakes.”

I had never even thought of that name before that very moment, I was just poking fun at myself and my love of cupcakes.

However, it stuck in my head. I thought about it all night long. Really, “cupcakes” are just metaphors for all the things we pursue that keep us from the life we want. The next day, I re-told that story to my publisher and she LOVED it.

I explain this in more detail and go into the story of the cover design in episode 552 of the Primal Potential podcast. You’ll definitely want to hear that cover design story because I was initially DEAD SET against having food of any kind on the cover.

There are a ton of questions in the book. Should I answer them as I go?

Yes. Absolutely. This is NOT a book you want to race through to the end. While learning can be rushed, changing can’t be. Use it as a tool. The goal is NOT to finish quickly and mark it off your list. Go slowly.

Will it be available in bookstores?


Genuinely, I don’t really know. The first publisher I was working with had that as a top priority, but after switching publishers, it’s really not so much of a thing. A lot of it depends on how the book sells. We shall see.

Will you do a book tour?

Not today. That’s as far as I’ve gotten.

Will it be available on Google Reader or iBooks?

Not at this time. Amazon/Kindle/Audible.

How long did it take you to write it?

I started writing in December 2017 and I finished the manuscript Wednesday, September 26th 2018. So, about 9-10 months. I could have taken 10 years writing it – it will never feel “done” or “perfect” to me, but that’s the beauty of life. Share your work, learn and grow as you go!

How can you help me spread the message of this book?

You guys, I am ON FIRE to see to it that everyone who NEEDS this message gets exposed to it. Too many people feel stuck and overwhelmed when something else is TOTALLY possible for them! But, I can’t do that alone. I absolutely, positively need your help.

First and most obviously, I would love for you to buy the book and read it.

Secondly, it is a MASSIVE help if you would please leave a rating & review on Amazon. I understand that this seems trivial but, to make an impact, I need to have 100 reviews just as quickly as I can, and then grow & build from there. Every single one makes a difference and I would be wildly grateful if you could make that happen.

Lastly – share the message. That can include gifting or recommending the book to someone in your life, donating it to your local library or sharing about it on social media. Every single little thing helps because we will spread this message one single person at a time.

Let’s let some of your feedback speak for itself!

The Primal Potential Podcast

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