When I’m Burnt Out

by | Oct 18, 2017 | Blog

I got a great question from one of my Fat Loss Fast Track clients yesterday and I wanted to share both the question & answer with you guys today.

Here’s what her email said:

“As I’m journaling, I’m realizing that I tend to make less-than-ideal choices when I’m feeling burnt out. I have a very physically demanding job and run my own business so there are some weeks when I run myself into the ground. But I have a hard time taking a  recovery day – it’s hard for me to sit still even when I know I need to. Sitting still feels like wasted time. I know you are also an entrepreneur so I wanted to get your ideas on this:
How do you avoid burnout? Do you schedule down-days? And what do you do on those days to make them still feel productive yet restful?”
Here’s the voice note response I sent to her. Click to listen. Basically, I described how I avoid burn out and really prioritize self-care when things feel crazy.
She emailed me back shortly thereafter:

Thanks for the voice note Elizabeth! I love how you said you can’t afford to not eat well when things get busy and stressful cause if I’m honest I definitely use those times as an excuse to not eat what’s best. I’d probably say something like “today’s gonna suck, better pick up a Pumpkin Spiced Latte so I have energy to get through it” when really eating that way is robbing me of energy.

Appreciate your wisdom EB. You being awesome at Primal Potential is a big inspiration for me to give it my all in my own business. Couldn’t do it without you.
It’s so true that the things we turn to when life is crazy either make us more crazy or more balanced. Indulging because you’re stressed can compound stress. Prioritizing self-care can make you feel more balanced & in control.
The choice is yours!
I was considering making today a rest day, but only because I was feeling lazy & tired. Ultimately, I know the workout will make me feel better. It’s that simple, so I went.

Squat Clean
Build to Heavy Single

followed by…

“Four Wheeler” 
2 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
21/15 Calorie Bike
12 Squat Cleans

 Got it done!

On the food front:

You know how much coffee I’ve had to today? None. That’s basically never happened. Maybe that’s why I didn’t want to go to the gym! I did have a bunch of tea though.

After my workout I made my cabbage salad with raw cabbage, bacon, eggs, walnuts and some Primal Kitchen Chipotle Lime Mayo.

Tonight I’m going to do an early dinner of spaghetti squash with meat sauce before my video chat with my FLFT veterans. I forgot how much I love spaghetti squash! Freakin’ amazing. Here’s one of my fave spaghetti squash recipes.

See you guys tomorrow!

The Primal Potential Podcast

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