577: Why Changing Your Money Mindset Matters

Mar 28, 2019

If you think your money mindset doesn’t impact EVERY area of your life, you’re wrong. In today’s episodes, I’m sharing how and why I had to dramatically upgrade my money mindset and how it set me free from fear, worry, anxiety and pressure.

If you are someone who stresses out, works yourself up and talks yourself into what might go wrong, you must listen to this episode!

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My Money Mindset Affirmations

Fear is a liar because I am in control.

I create the results I want.

Money comes to me from unexpected places every day.

There is nothing to fear.

I have more than enough money for all I need and desire, with more than enough for extreme generosity.

Because I serve without limit, money comes to me without limit.

Every dollar I spend comes back to me exponentially.

I create abundance. I seek abundance. I believe in abundance.

My actions create wealth.

Money is not a problem, it’s a solution.

Money Mindset Resources:

Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation

Think & Grow Rich

The Biology of Belief

Learn more about ALIGNMENT and creating a mindset that works for you

Watch this presentation on creating awareness

Join the Primal Potential Facebook group

Today’s episode is brought to you by Fabletics. Shop through this link to take advantage of their crazy good deals and get 2 pairs of leggings for $24!


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