Hey guys, if you’re new to these posts, listen to this podcast episode to get the scoop on what changes I’m making in my life and you can start back at my first daily post here.
I did it again! I surrendered my “early riser ego” and didn’t set my alarm. I woke up just before 6am. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s tough for me to not get up at 4:30. I love feeling like I’ve been super productive before most people are up. However, my ego isn’t most important. My body is. I’ve been overtired for years now and I need to treat my body with more love & respect especially since I have Hashimotos.
Coming up on episode 312 of the podcast I share that I’ll be keeping a closer eye on my blood sugar to see how non-food factors influence it (things like sleep, workouts, stress, caffeine, etc). Don’t miss that episode to hear more about what I’ll be tracking and why.
I checked my blood sugar upon waking this am:
Ideal fasting levels are at or below 85 mg/dL. While I was fasting last week, my morning readings were in the high 70s & low 80s so this seems about right.
I drank a couple glasses of water before hitting the coffee & then checked it again. Keep in mind that the increase isn’t due solely to the coffee – it’s also the difference of having been up, working, moving and introducing normal life-stressors.
It was 85 again at 8:30am. Good deal. No coffee-induced increase. Hooray!
I’m looking forward to today’s workout – I love power cleans! They make me feel super strong and I need to work on my elbow speed under the bar.
3×3 Power Clean
3×3 Front SquatThen,
3 RFT (rounds for time)
21/15 Calorie Bike
15 Pull-ups
9 Burpee
I love heavy barbell work but I struggled with dizziness in the first part of this workout. My blood pressure tends to run low (all the time) and the only time I realize it is when I’m working out. I’ll be doing a little digging to see what I can do to make some improvements with that.
The conditioning workout was harder than it looked. Like I’ve mentioned before, the airdyne bikes jump out and get you!
I was really proud of the intensity I brought to the 3rd and final round. I was sucking wind when I finished.
I checked my blood sugar before and after the workout, just out of curiosity. Before it was 88. Then I ate. About 3 hours after the meal and 30 minutes after the workout it was 83 mg/dL. I’m happy with those numbers!
While we’re here, I thought I’d share a little muscle recovery hack I use. I’m a big fan of heating sore muscles or, more often, my inflamed knee which aggravates me from time to time. Instead of a heating pad, which I find hard to position, I have a huge white tube socked I’ve filled with dry rice and tied off. I’ll pop it in the microwave for a few minutes on each side and it gets piping hot & applies great pressure.
Warning: keep your eye on it while microwaving. I’ve set the sock on fire a few times. I’m not responsible for house fires. 🙂
On the food front:
Today was a bit different. And that’s normal.
I really don’t follow a particular eating schedule because I don’t think hunger can be scheduled. My hunger intensity and timing depends on sleep, workouts, emotion, muscle recovery and so many other factors.
Here’s what happened today: before my workout (around 11am) I decided to make some bacon so it would be ready after my workout for lunch.
Who has ever cooked bacon and not eaten it? Raise your hands high.
You there with your hand raised: you’re a liar. #justkidding #buttotallyserious
So yeah, I ate a slice of bacon & then had one of the maca cold brew drinks I enjoy and a few tbsp of guacamole. We’ll call it a mini meal.
Then I decided to have a “mega meal” as a lunch/dinner combo.
I have a late hair appointment into the early evening and I don’t feel like eating afterwards (too late for my preference) so I made a MASSIVE salad and called it a combo meal.
I filled a large mixing bowl with:
- shredded red & green cabbage
- romaine lettuce
- a few cherry tomatoes
- 3 hard boiled eggs
- 1 slice of bacon
- 1/2 an avocado
- a handful of cashews
- cucumbers & celery
I used my Oxo Salad chopper to mix it all together and whoa that filled me up big time. #missionaccomplished
I will absolutely be going to bed early tonight – I have a long day tomorrow and want to make sure I’m keeping my “rest” promise to myself. My goal is to be in bed by 9:30.
Speaking of my long day tomorrow – part of the reason it will be long (and most of the reason it will be wonderful) is because I’m hosting a live webinar to talk about the Spring Fat Loss Fast Track, how it works and if it’s right for you. I’d love for you to join me! It’s Thursday, March 23rd at 8p ET.  Click here to grab your spot.