Year of Push 2.6 I’m No Cheater

by | Apr 10, 2017 | Blog

I absolutely love Mondays!

Plus: the sun is out! I don’t know about you, but it’s super important for me to get some time in the sunlight. Talk about a natural anti-depressant! Literally!

Vitamin D is a hormone and exposure to sunlight triggers your body to synthesize more of it!

Vitamin D deficiency leads to a whole host of problems, only one of which is depression.

This isn’t just a fun fact – we’ve got to DO something about it! Get out in the sun!

When we feel better, we take better care of ourselves.

(I’m writing this while soaking up some sun at a picnic table outside Whole Foods!)


Today’s workout is going to be a great (read: killer) one! Let me share it with you first and then I’ll explain it:

Power Snatch (75/55) – here’s a video demo of the power snatch
Wallball – here’s a video demo of a wall ball
Cal Row

So, here’s what that means – I’ll be looking to complete the workout as fast as possible and it breaks down like this:

27 power snatches

27 wall balls

27 calorie row

21 power snatches

21 wall balls

21 calorie row

15  power snatches

15 walls balls

15 calorie row

9 power snatches

9 wall balls

9 calorie row

Yeah, it was brutal. Those 27 and 21 rounds feel endless. I won’t lie – there was absolutely a temptation to skip reps and do some “creative counting”. I didn’t. I did every single rep.

Afterwards it make me think of something I heard football super star Terrell Owens say about fitness:

Fitness is like a relationship. You can’t cheat on it & expect it to work.

Seriously – think about the most important intimate relationship in your life. If you were cheating on your partner, you couldn’t expect the relationship to be strong, reliable and the best it could be.

In fact, you could basically count on it to suck.

You can’t cut corners and expect great results.

You just can’t.

You can’t expect to have a whole lot of respect for yourself or your body if you’re a cheater.

When you cut corners, you’re only cheating yourself.

I’m no cheater. 

On the food front:

I didn’t wake up on the right side of the bed this morning. I was unfocused and overwhelmed by how much is on my list today. Instead of wallowing in those feelings, I slipped on my flip flops & went out to get a venti Americano from Starbucks. I sat outside for a few minutes to enjoy the first few sips and then got right to work.

I didn’t eat before my workout but I had a large salad afterwards.

Knowing that I’m having pistachio crusted salmon for dinner tonight, I kept the fat & protein a bit lower on my salad than I sometimes do. Heavier on the veggies, lighter on the other stuff.

Yes, I said pistachio crusted salmon. And asparagus. Yes, I’m making it myself! Every once in a while I cook 🙂

The recipe comes from the Slim Palate via Nom Nom Paleo. Here’s a link!

PS: If you’re new to these posts, listen to this podcast episode to get the scoop on what changes I’m making in my life and you can start back at my first daily post here.

The Primal Potential Podcast

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