You Don’t Lose, You Choose

by | May 17, 2018 | Blog

In episode 481, I introduced the idea that you don’t lose your way, you choose your way.

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So many people talk about how they have lost their way or they have fallen off the wagon as if it wasn’t simply a result of choices they made.

I don’t say that to condemn or criticize. I say it to remind you that when it comes to the choices you make, you are in control.

There is no losing your way. Good, bad or indifferent, you are choosing your way. In every moment, you are choosing. You’re choosing your attitude, your perspective and your actions.

When you take responsibility for your choices, there’s less drama and less powerlessness. You simply own the fact that you make choices.

You can choose to be critical or you can choose to take responsibility without emotion. Drama free ownership.

You can always make a different choice.

You don’t lose your way. In every moment, you choose your way.

The Primal Potential Podcast

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