Your Body Is A Business

by | Sep 8, 2017 | Blog

If your body was a business and you were the CEO, what would be the state of your company?

Would you be headed for disaster? Drifting towards crisis?

Are you a proactive leader or are you letting things fall apart due to poor leadership and lack of discipline?

In his book Relentless, Tim Grover makes this profound point:

Your body is a business you have to take care of.

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I think the reason this struck me so much is because I do own a business. I know how much effort, thought, discipline and focus I apply to my business each and every day.

I’m intentional about every project I take on & every decision I make. I consider the impact of every choice.

Do I give my body less than my business? How’s that likely to turn out?

Even if you don’t own a business, think about your job. Think about your consistency – showing up when you don’t want to or finding solutions to tough challenges instead of merely surrendering…

Are you putting more into your job than you are into your body & your health?

How’s that likely to turn out?

If you were running your body like a valuable business (and it’s undeniably the most valuable thing you have) – what would that look like? What needs to change?

What can you do today to improve operations?

Make that change.

Your body is a business you have to take care of.

I’m running on about 2 hours of sleep today after last night’s awful Patriots home opener. Certainly not a great decision from the perspective of running my body like a business…

I got up at 4am to head home and get some work done before my workout. My goal was to move, keep the weights light and just get my blood flowing. Mission accomplished.

“Snake Bite”
For Time:
Squat Snatch
Ring Rows

The workout called for pull ups or chest-to-bar pull-ups by my shoulder is still irritated. Interestingly, some overhead work seems okay but anything hanging from the pull-up bar is seriously painful. So: I avoid it. Simple, right?

I definitely wasn’t at max capacity for today’s workout with the lack of sleep but, showing up matters. It makes me feel better and I can sleep in the car on the way to Maine.

On the food front:

When I have to do early morning drives, which I do when I stay overnight on Cape Cod, I set myself up for success in the morning by buying coffee the night before and having it in my car. I’m usually on the road by 4:15-4:30am so it’s easier for me to not have to wait for coffee to brew.

Sometimes I’ll get a plain bottle of cold brew but yesterday I got lucky. I’m a huge fan of Picnik Butter Coffee (cappuccino flavor because it doesn’t have the sugar the other flavors have) and I found it at a local store yesterday! I grabbed a couple bottles and had them in my car waiting for my early AM drive home.

Unfortunately, I paid $5/bottle at the store. That won’t happen again because I can get a 6-pack on Thrive Market for $23.99. On Amazon the same thing is $29.99 and if you go through Picnik’s website you’ll pay $35.94!

Picnik Butter coffee is organic coffee bottled & blended (ready to drink) with  grass-fed butter, MCT oil and 10 grams of grass-fed whey protein.

In October 2019, our relationship with Thrive Market changed. They decided to put their marketing dollars in avenues outside of podcasting but we still think they’re a good choice if you’re looking to save money on health & personal care products.

So, I had a bottle of that around 4:30am and then had my cabbage salad bowl after my workout around 9:25am.

We had an early dinner at the beach around 5pm and I didn’t feel much like eating before then. We grilled chicken thighs and had salad & corn on the cob to go with it.

All in all, a great day.

Remember: your body is your most valuable asset. Take care of it as you would take care of a valuable business!


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