Ep 126: Fat Loss Basics Part 6 – Your Questions

Jan 16, 2016

To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! In the first episode, we talked about calories & hormones and the requirements for fat loss. In the second, we covered everything you need to know about carbs & fat loss. Then we tackled protein & highlighted the ways that protein intake increases satiety & supports fat burning but also established how too much protein inhibits fat loss. In part 4 we looked at dietary fat & how eating more fat might help accelerate fat burning! In part 5, I talked about what makes fitness efficient & effective for fat loss (and what doesn’t).

To get caught up, check out part 1,  part 2part 3part 4 and part 5.

In today’s episode I’m answering your questions on all 5 parts of this fat loss basics series.

I love sharing this kind of information with you & I’d love to stay more connected & keep you informed, encouraged & motivated through my VIP email list. Plus, that’s how I share my favorite recipes and I LOVE food!

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fat loss basics part 6

Fat Loss Basics Part 6 – Your Questions Answered

Here are the questions I’m answering in this episode:

  1. I’m so frustrated. I’m eating right, I’m working out and I’m not losing a pound. Can you help? Can you tell me what to do next?
  2. I love intermittent fasting. When I break my fast, I do so with protein or fat. That means I’m still in fat burning mode, right?
  3. I have lemon juice & ginger first thing in the morning. Does that take me out of fat burning mode?
  4. Does stevia raise blood sugar?
  5. I love to eat popcorn. I looked at the label & it says there are no sugar but there are carbs. Does this mean it doesn’t raise my blood sugar?
  6. What do you think of protein shakes?
  7. Is dairy protein or fat?
  8. I see that you workout on most days. Don’t you need to let your muscles rest & recover?
  9. I am one of those people who gains weight when I lift weights. You say that weight lifting doesn’t make muscles grow. So then why do I gain weight?


2015 Fat Loss Best Practices

How To Track without Counting Calories

Q&A 6 – How To Make Breakfast a Fat Burning Meal

Paleo & Primal Lunch Ideas

Paleo Snack Ideas

Artificial Sweeteners & Weight Loss

What You Need to Know About Dairy

Protein Shakes & Weight Loss

Hormones & Fat Loss

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