To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! In the first episode, we talked about calories & hormones and the requirements for fat loss. In the second, we covered everything you need to know about carbs & fat loss. Then we tackled protein & highlighted the ways that protein intake increases satiety & supports fat burning but also established how too much protein inhibits fat loss. In part 4 we looked at dietary fat & how eating more fat might help accelerate fat burning! In part 5, I talked about what makes fitness efficient & effective for fat loss (and what doesn’t).
To get caught up, check out part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5.
In today’s episode I’m answering your questions on all 5 parts of this fat loss basics series.
I love sharing this kind of information with you & I’d love to stay more connected & keep you informed, encouraged & motivated through my VIP email list. Plus, that’s how I share my favorite recipes and I LOVE food!
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Fat Loss Basics Part 6 – Your Questions Answered
Here are the questions I’m answering in this episode:
- I’m so frustrated. I’m eating right, I’m working out and I’m not losing a pound. Can you help? Can you tell me what to do next?
- I love intermittent fasting. When I break my fast, I do so with protein or fat. That means I’m still in fat burning mode, right?
- I have lemon juice & ginger first thing in the morning. Does that take me out of fat burning mode?
- Does stevia raise blood sugar?
- I love to eat popcorn. I looked at the label & it says there are no sugar but there are carbs. Does this mean it doesn’t raise my blood sugar?
- What do you think of protein shakes?
- Is dairy protein or fat?
- I see that you workout on most days. Don’t you need to let your muscles rest & recover?
- I am one of those people who gains weight when I lift weights. You say that weight lifting doesn’t make muscles grow. So then why do I gain weight?
How To Track without Counting Calories
Q&A 6 – How To Make Breakfast a Fat Burning Meal
Artificial Sweeteners & Weight Loss