I eat foods I love
I eat foods that love me back
I respect my body too much to fill it with garbage
I choose to create a strong, capable, resilient body
I speak kindly to myself and about myself
I do what is right, not what is easy
I chase my dreams with courage, enthusiasm and determination
I don’t have to take “no” for an answer
I see every challenge as an opportunity to learn and improve
I look for solutions, not excuses
I am too grateful to complain
I only fail when I pass up an opportunity to learn from my mistakes
I choose not to create chaos and crisis by overreacting and moving too quickly
I breathe slowly, deeply and often
I am generous with my time, my knowledge and my heart
I am patient with myself and others
I refuse to live a life less than the one I am capable of creating
I ask for help
I build new relationships
I invest in myself
I embrace authenticity and am not afraid to share my struggles
I believe that doubt is a liar
I believe that bitterness is a burden I refuse to pickup
I know that there is power in silence, confidence and persistence
This is my potential. What is yours?