It’s Marathon Monday here in the New England! Today is the Boston Marathon and since I live on the race route, the roads are closed for the majority of the day.
I ran a marathon once. True story. I think it was 2006 and I trained with my boyfriend to run the Philadelphia Marathon.
On the drive from North Carolina to Philadelphia, he apparently got the flu and wasn’t able to run. #wishithoughtofthat
I ran. It sucked.
Part of the race went through a college campus where young (drunk) men on Fraternity Row were passing out beers to the runners.
I don’t drink beer. Besides, that sounds like a terrible idea, right? Who does that?
So of course I took one & drank it while running.
Well, I drank the half that was left after I spilled much of it down my shirt.
For the rest of the race I smelled like warm beer. You can imagine how awesome that was.
For some reason, I swelled up like the Michelin Man during the race and felt like I should have been rolled across the finish line, Veruca Salt style. I sure hope you are familiar with the Charlie & The Chocolate Factory reference!
Anyways, it’s Marathon Monday. My cousin Marc ran again (he does each year) and he finished in less than 3 hours. Go Marc! I love you, buddy!
Since the roads are closed, the gym is too. I’ll be doing a 10K row here and calling it a bit of a rest & recovery day.
What I’m really resting & recovering from is a weekend away of walking, eating & drinking.
On the food front:
I am fasting today. I can assure you that I ate & drank enough this weekend to fuel my body until tomorrow.
I’m drinking lots of water & cold brew coffee, but I need to give my digestive tract a chance to rest and my body a chance to use some of the fuel I over consumed this weekend.
I don’t regret a minute of the weekend – I had a blast and ate some great food.
Delicious charcuterie, yummy omelets and even some Easter chocolate! And drinks. There were definitely drinks.
Can we talk about guilt?
I totally know how easy it would be to slip into the mindset of “I blew it!” or “I’m off track” and then justify continuing to indulge today because I’m beating myself up for eating things that aren’t aligned with my goals.
Dude. C’mon on. That’s insane. Totally common, and totally insane.
That’s like spending beyond your budget and then getting so emotional about it that you go to the mall and take yourself on a shopping spree.
Grow up and stop being dramatic.
What you did yesterday is already gone. It’s food, not a problem.
It was a choice, not a crisis.
Leave it where it belongs: behind you.
Let go of it. Stop carrying burdens that you can set down and move past.
Today is a blank slate. Right now is a blank slate. Every single moment is a fresh start.
I am new in each moment. You are too.
Every choice is a chance to advance.
Did I fail because I indulged this weekend? No.
Am I mad about it? No.
Am I beating myself up? No.
Because it wouldn’t make a damn bit of a difference. It would make me feel DOWN and that’s pointless. It solves nothing.
Today I have an opportunity to take great care of myself. Period. The end.
I don’t need fuel today – there’s plenty still in my system. So, I’m focusing on getting work done, catching up on sleep (we were out laaaaaaaaate every night) and hydrating.
(Does that mean you should fast after over indulging? No. It’s just the choice I’m making for my body based on how I feel today, which is: not hungry.)
We also walked a bazillion miles this weekend. Do I get credit for that?
Of course not. It’s done. It’s over.
All there is now is today!
PS: If you’re new to these posts, listen to this podcast episode to get the scoop on what changes I’m making in my life and you can start back at my first daily post here.