We tend to think of “confident” as something we are or aren’t. I believe there are other ways to think about it.
One of my Masters Club members posted a powerful reflection on her transformation (mental & physical) that got me thinking of confident as an approach. For those who don’t feel confident in themselves, their abilities, their follow through or any other aspect of habit or persona, this might be a way to ease into confidence.
If you’d rather listen to this blog than read it, click here.
Here’s what she wrote (emphasis mine):
One of the girls said I helped her get through her last race. She had wondered what I say to myself when I am prepping for a heavy lift bc when I move there is NO question that the move will be executed. It was one of the coolest compliments. So, I told her. “How can I make this lift easier? Get planted, engage. You’ve got this, you will lift this with ease, make it happen, you are strong, use your legs, go get it.” I had spent most of my life yelling at myself and it wasn’t working. So with Primal Potential’s help, I tried encouraging myself, it works every time!
Confident is the way she approaches a heavy lift. She decides first. She approaches. She engages. She executes.
It’s an approach.
We miss out on so many opportunities because we hem and haw. We dip our toes in the ocean of success and then run away for the security of the beach behind us.
Decide. Approach. Engage. Execute.
Confidence is your approach.
Get it done. Stop dipping your toes in success and charge forward. Grab a hold of the life you want and go for it. No more turning back and running for comfort.
My knee is feeling a lot better but I’m still doing what I can to keep weight off it for another 5 days or so. I’ve been seeing my chiropractor twice a week to assess the strength of my knee and today it was much improved. He gave me the green light to bike today (at least that’s how I remember the conversation….) and see how it feels afterwards.
Here’s how today’s workout went down (scaled DT injury):
30 cal airdyne bike
9 toes to bar
9 single leg squats to a bench
9 hand release pushups
I’ll tell you what: it was a great workout! I can’t wait to be back to full throttle in the gym.
In other news: I bought a scale today. I haven’t weighed myself in eons. I’ll tell you more about that tomorrow. 🙂
On the food front:
Dude. I am ravenously hungry today. My approach is simple: eat more and eat well. I’ve shared before that a few days before I start my period my appetite goes through the roof. There’s no need for me to battle this and resent it – I expect it and I act accordingly.
I eat more & I eat well. Real food. Clean food. Honor my hunger.
I know it doesn’t last forever so I’m not worried about eating significantly more than I would on some other day.
So: onto the food of the day. It started with a coconut meat “tortilla” with grilled chicken & avocado.
A few hours after that I had steak & sweet potato fries from Paleo Power Meals.
It was around dinner time that the hunger monster came around. I had a chicken salad with avocado, brussels sprouts with caramelized onions and then a couple hours after that I made a 2-egg omelet with arugula and broccoli.
Yep. It was a good amount of food but it’s pretty predictable for me. I’m good with it. 🙂