Whether you’re working out regularly or you haven’t yet incorporated it into your lifestyle, today we’re going to tackle 6 simple ways to get more out of your workout! No matter what we spend our time & energy doing, we want to make sure we’re getting as much from it as possible!
While exercise isn’t the be-all-end-all of fat burning and physique improvement, it does have the power to accelerate our progress, improve mood and help us get healthy – let’s just make sure we’re being as efficient as possible.
It doesn’t matter if you have a gym membership or not, it doesn’t matter if you love working out or you don’t – these 6 ways to get more out of your workout will help you get to the next level!
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6 Ways To Get More Out of Your Workout
Before we dive into those 6 strategies that will allow you to get more out of your workout, a few caveats for those who are resistant to change or for those who haven’t yet incorporated fitness into their routine.
It’s important to remember that fitness is not the important element of fat loss or physique improvement. In today’s episode I’ll talk about how we the primary drivers of fat loss include:
- Your attitude & perspective
- What and how much you eat
- Stress & sleep
The important thing to keep in mind is that exercise shouldn’t be a punishment or something we dread. Just like the key to long term success with nutrition is finding foods you love that love you back, it’s critical that you experiment with different activities to find what you love, enjoy & look forward to.
Over the long term, we won’t consistently do that which we don’t enjoy.
Onto those 6 strategies that will help you get more out of your workout – I go into a whole lot detail on the “how” in today’s episode so make sure to listen to the full show!
- Get consistent (this episode tells you how)
- Add a leisure walk after your workout (the “why” here is very science-based)
- Decrease the duration & increase the intensity
- Go heavier
- Switch the stimulus
- Incorporate micro movement
I told you guys I’d share what equipment I have at home. You absolutely don’t need any of this, but I find I can do just about any workout I want and get a whole-body workout with these few things.
If you want to incorporate a little bit of movement without any equipment, here’s one of my fave workouts to do without any equipment:
Complete 5 rounds for time of the following:
- 20 body weight squats
- 15 sit-ups
- 10 burpees
- 5 push-ups
If you have a jumprope, one of my faves is to accumulate 1000 jumps as fast as possible. You can start by doing sets of 50, resting when needed. If 1000 seems daunting, do what doesn’t seem daunting. You could start by accumulating just 100 jumps. Start where you need to, work up your skill with each workout.
If you have some equipment at home, try this short one.
Set a timer for 15 minutes and do as many rounds as possible of the following before time expires:
- 15 kettlebell swings
- 15 goblet squats
- 10 burpees
Join me at ASCEND in Nashville!
Spaghetti Squash Primavera with Basil Cashew Pesto
Episode 039 – The Science of Fat Burning
Episode 160 – Fitness & Fat Loss