Year of Push 4.15 Travel Light

I have so many thoughts I want to share with you today. Buckle up, this might be a long one.

If you’d rather listen to this blog, click here. Please note that this blog will air as episode 362 of the Primal Potential podcast on 7/18/17. I won’t continue to air blogs as podcasts but I wanted to make sure everyone had access to this one as I transition to making the audio available separately here on the blog.

I’ve shared with you that one of my mantras is “travel light” and it has been a game changer for me. This weekend, however, I realized that I’ve really dropped the ball on living that mantra, especially as it relates to my interactions with other people.

First, let me revisit (more for me than for you) what “travel light” means to me.

  • I don’t get flustered over the small stuff
  • I’m grateful
  • I find the good in everything
  • I choose to focus on opportunities to move forward
  • I am more powerful than my setbacks & circumstances
  • I know that joy is a choice & I choose it daily

Essentially, “travel light” reminds me to refuse to be burdened by anything. Let it go. Set it down. Travel light.

I really believe that often times, extra physical weight we carry is a physical manifestation of extra emotional weight we’re carrying.

More than that, most of the emotional baggage we carry with us is optional. We can & should set it down. We only carry it with us because we don’t realize that we can & should let it go.

I will give myself credit where it is due. I’ve been doing better with my application of “travel light”. I’ve been great at applying this to myself and for myself. Just in the last two weeks I’ve found joy in more ways than I probably did in the entire year of 2016.

  • I went to one of the best concerts I’ve seen in my whole life
  • I went fishing
  • I went kayaking & clam digging
  • I went hiking
  • I found a new ice cream place and drove an hour to try it out
  • I got a massage, manicure & pedicure
  • I’ve slept in twice
  • I’ve redirected my attention away from something that upsets me to all that is wonderful in my life & all that is possible for my future

But then I got an incredible email from a woman in my summer Fat Loss Fast Track. One of my groups had a particular challenge for the week which led her to send me this email. I’ll share part of it with you. She said:

I shall practice being a woman who has a baseline reaction of calm and positivity.

First, I will practice creating a pause

Next, I will practice replacing reactions that are negative or dramatic with

  • no reaction
  • a solution for the issue/problem/annoyance
  • an expression of gratitude for what is NOT happening

That’s so good, right? That email showed me I’ve been less dramatic and reactive with my own circumstances, but not necessarily with others.  A couple people in particular.

I’ve reacted to them (not outwardly, but in my thoughts and with my focus) in a negative way.

That, for me, is the opposite of traveling light. Because I’ve chosen to make assumptions about their motives and fixate on my negative interpretation of what they have said & done, I’m weighing myself down and not being the joyful, lighthearted woman I want to be.

The email from my client yesterday was a fantastic reminder. I will practice replacing reactions that are negative or dramatic with

  • no reaction
  • a solution
  • an expression of gratitude

It will take practice for sure but it’s a worthwhile practice because it helps me to travel light.

Another client emailed me recently commenting on episode 355 and the advice I gave a client to “take yourself somewhere else”.

I need to take my own advice in situations where I have a negative or dramatic reaction to something someone says or does, doesn’t say or doesn’t do.

Taking myself somewhere else means focusing on what is right instead of what is wrong.

Taking myself somewhere else means assuming they have good intentions instead of assuming they have bad intentions.

Taking myself somewhere else means choosing joy instead of choosing a negative reaction.

No matter what is going on in my life, joy is a choice and I want to choose it.

When I do this, my entire life improves. I’m more productive in my work & my work quality improves. I’m more motivated to workout. I’m more enthusiastic about eating well. I experience fewer cravings. I have more energy. I sleep better. Everything is better.

On the food front:

I am making a change this week. I’m significantly increasing the amount of vegetables I’m eating and decreasing protein (by just a serving or so). Fat will likely stay the same but I’m emphasizing fruit/vegetable sources of fat like macadamia, avocado & coconut and moderately decreasing animal fat sources (bacon, eggs, salmon, butter).

I’m making this change because…I’m having my eggs frozen. Like, the eggs in my ovaries (not the eggs in my fridge).

I’m sure I’ll share more about this process but I want to focus on strategies that I know balance out estrogen & progesterone and veggies are a big part of that for me.

I’m hoping for all this egg-freezing to be wrapped up within 8-10 weeks but it could last far longer depending on how many eggs are mature and viable with the first procedure.

This does NOT mean that I’m setting aside my fat loss goals. I think the two go hand-in-hand. With that said, you’ll see a large amount of veggies for at least the next several weeks.

Mondays are always lighter food days before me (and today is a Monday) because I eat a little bit more on most weekends) so I didn’t eat until about 2pm today when I had a huge plate of sauteed cabbage with half an avocado and a small piece of grilled chicken.

Then at 6pm I had a veggie stir-fry with broccoli, peppers, onions, mushrooms, chicken, curry & coconut milk.

Oh! And working out! I didn’t get to the gym today but I did workout at home. I did 2-10 minute EMOMs with a 5 minute break in between.


12 cal airdyne bike


10 burpees

Here’s to traveling light! Make today a great day!

361: 5 Ways To Create Summer Success Without Perfection

361: 5 Ways To Create Summer Success Without Perfection

You can make progress towards your goals AND indulge. You can enjoy summer or holiday treats without guilt. You can enjoy food AND results.

It’s time to let go of the idea of perfection and stop creating drama and guilt over enjoying food.

With that said, summer time & holiday seasons can be a challenging time to embrace improvements and avoid going overboard.

In today’s episode we’re talking about 5 strategies to create summer success without perfection. These strategies are about YOU and can easily be applied to holidays or any time you feel like you’re in a funk and you want to make more progress.

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Year of Push 4.14 Beyond Binary

The thing we make the most of is decisions. Choices. If we aren’t good at it, we’re in trouble.

If we look closely at any area of our lives where we’re struggling, chances are our decision making needs some serious work.

If you’d rather listen to this blog than read it, click here.

I recently shared with you that I’m going through Seth Godin’s AltMBA this summer and our current project is focused on the way we make decisions.

Most us react based on instinct or habit instead of responding & deciding based on logic and desired outcomes.

(Typically, we are better and more balanced in decision making in certain areas of life than we are in others. Today I’m talking about those areas where we struggle to make good decisions consistently.)

We focus on what we want most in the moment & on how we’re feeling instead of on what produces the most desirable outcome.

Seth Godin simplifies it this way: Understand the distinction between:

  1. how does this decision make me feel right now? and
  2. how does this decision increase the chances that I will achieve my long-term goals?

The other part of this, from my perspective, is the options you consider.

Our choices are not binary but we often approach them as if they are. We consider only the options that are most obvious or familiar to us.

For example: I’m hungry.

The reaction is often “Should I eat this or that” or “Should I eat or not eat?”

There are so many other considerations. Overlooking them dramatically increases the chances that you won’t make a good choice.

Through practice, train yourself to see the whole picture instead of defaulting to your most practiced options.

  • Am I really hungry?
  • How hungry am I?
  • Can I wait?
  • Do I need fuel?
  • Is there something else going on that’s triggering me to turn to food for comfort or distraction?
  • Are there options other than eating?
  • Am I thirsty?
  • What would be my best choice?

Another example: You planned to workout but you don’t feel like it. Your most practiced responses are probably binary. Either you workout or you don’t. You aren’t thinking much about it, you’re just choosing between those two familiar reactions.

Instead, consider all the options:

  • Can I do it later instead of now?
  • Is a different kind of workout more appealing than the workout you had planned?
  • How about a shorter workout?
  • An at home workout?
  • What am I willing to do?
  • What would be fun?
  • If I do the workout I planned, how will I feel afterwards?
  • Is it worth it?
  • What holds more value to me, working out or not working out?

Expand your mental pathways. Think beyond your normal options.

Train your brain to make better decisions.

One of my good decisions today was my workout. I didn’t feel like going to the gym. I even considered the binary options of “go to the gym or stay home & work”. Instead, I chose both. Go to the gym so that I’m fresher and more focused for work when I get home.

This workout is an ascending ladder which means that you keep increasing the reps by 3 until time expires. After 9 you go to sets of 12, 15, 18, etc.

“Raise the Bar”
3 Thrusters (95/65)
3 Toes to Bar
6 Thrusters (95/65)
6 Toes to Bar
9 Thrusters (95/65)
9 Toes to Bar

Ah, thrusters. We have a love/hate relationship. Once into the set of 15 the thrusters got very spicy. And, having ripped my hand earlier in the week, hanging from the bar was NOT fun. But you know what? I felt really great afterwards!

On the food front:

I woke up feeling super hungry. I did think about eating before my workout (which I don’t normally do) but I decided to have my first cup of coffee & then revisit the decision.

After my first cup of coffee I wasn’t hungry anymore. Would you look at that?

I was, however, definitely hungry when I got home from the gym. I had a cobb salad and a bag of beet chips.

I’m heading out of town to a concert tonight so I wanted to eat before I left. I don’t know what food will be available at the show. Non starchy veggies for the win! They help me feel super full: brussels sprouts & grilled chicken and carrying along another bag of beet chips.

At maximum I’ll have one drink tonight but as of right now, I don’t feel like drinking. I’ll keep the food choices fat loss friendly & I’ll be sure to walk as much as possible!

Make it a great weekend!

PS: If you’re new to these posts, listen to this podcast episode to get the scoop on what changes I’m making in my life and you can start back at my first daily post here.

361: 5 Ways To Create Summer Success Without Perfection

360: Taking Control Of Your Life

In today’s episode I share a conversation with one of my Masters Club clients. When I asked her about the most significant changes she’s made in her life, she shared how she’s now certain that she is in control of her life. She’s in control of her food choices, her physique, her career, finances and much more.

Our discussion centers around a few follow-up questions: did you always feel like you had that control? And: how did you create it? How has that sense of control impacted how you take care of your body?

Specifically, we talked about how she transitioned to feeling limited because of her circumstances to feeling empowered regardless of her circumstances. 

Then we got talking about her struggles. She isn’t seeing the physical progress she knows she is capable of and she feels like she needs more standards for herself when it comes to food. We quickly got to the root of the problem: eating too much of the “right” things. She’s improved the quality of what she’s eating, but the quantity is probably a bit much for her goals.

Together, we established a strategy for paying more attention to how much she’s eating versus how much she needs to eat.

Don’t miss today’s conversation!

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Year of Push 4.11 How To Make Choices

We make hundreds of choices each day. Without a clear paradigm for decision making, these choices can exhaust & overwhelm us. Worse, they can hold us back, keep us from our best life and anchor us to a life that is less than what we want.

When you have a framework for decision making or a simple filter through which you see your choices, you can eliminate a lot of the frustration, inconsistency & feelings of overwhelm.

Anything you can do to make choices easier & faster will not only ease your mind, but it will likely accelerate your progress.

I have a few such frameworks, but I’ll share one of the simplest ones with you:

Which choice makes me feel free?

At first glance, eating the cookie makes me feel free and depriving myself of the cookie makes me feel restricted. That’s first level thinking. That’s looking at the immediate choice & not the consequences of the choice.

Think beyond the pleasure of the moment. Looking at the consequences, which choice makes me feel free?

Eating whatever I want whenever I want it makes me feel trapped. Trapped in a life without progress. Trapped by habits I want to break. I did not feel free when I was obese. Not even a little bit.

Other choices, like minimizing the amount of indulgences I choose, working out regularly & getting as much rest & relaxation as my schedule allows – those things make me feel free.

Do what makes you feel free – free to live your best life, free to create your best health, free to enjoy all that life has to offer.


I wasn’t really in the mood to workout this morning. I ripped the side of my hand during yesterday’s workout, I didn’t sleep well last night, my knee hurts, it’s raining & I’m buried in work.

But, I asked myself this question: which choice makes me feel the most free? Without question, working out makes me feel stronger & more capable.

I happily modified today’s workout to make sure I don’t further aggravate my knee. I swapped running for biking.

“Play Dead”
42 cal bike buy in
12 Deadlifts (155/105)
12 Barbell Burpees
Rest 5:00
28 cal bike buy in
9 Deadlifts (185/135)
9 Barbell Burpees
Rest 5:00
14 cal bike buy in
6 Deadlifts (225/155)
6 Barbell Burpees

Needless to say, this got intense but I feel so great now that it’s over!

On the food front:

I wasn’t very hungry yesterday but I am today! I’m sure all those deadlifts contributed to that! After my workout I had steak & brussels sprouts.

Around 12:30pm I had chicken & broccoli over cauliflower rice. I had to eat dinner before 6p because I had a video conference from 6p until long after my bedtime and I didn’t want to be eating on it! Around 5:30 I had a cobb salad with added grilled chicken.

I hope you choose thoughts & things that make you feel free today!

PS: If you’re new to these posts, listen to this podcast episode to get the scoop on what changes I’m making in my life and you can start back at my first daily post here.


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