Change Maker: How to Advance Your Position

There’s a difference between between being a change maker and being a plan maker. One of the primary challenges I help people overcome is spending more time & energy on the problem than on the solution. I remind them that the time you spend on the problem is stolen from the solution.

If you’re ready to move to the next level, leave the drama & frustration behind and create change in your life, you absolutely need to carve out the time to watch this free training!

Change Maker 4-Part Series

Part 1: Awareness

Part 2: Alignment

Part 3: Adjustment

Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation! 

573: The Powerful Alternative to Being Goal Oriented

Being goal oriented might not be the most effective way to achieve your goals. In fact, I don’t think it is! In today’s episode, we’re talking about the difference between goal oriented and growth oriented and how the latter is likely a far more powerful, lasting approach to creating change.

Being growth oriented doesn’t mean you don’t care about your goals and it certainly doesn’t mean you won’t reach them. It means that you’ll enjoy the journey more and you’ll optimize who you are instead of merely trying to manipulate what you choose.

“Education is not the learning of facts but training the mind to think.” ~ Einstein

Learn More About Your 12 Weeks To Transformation


Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation! 

Join me Wednesday March 20th at 8pm ET to learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation and find out if it’s the right move for you! Register here. 

Episode 559: The Most Powerful Way to Journal

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One Client’s Personal Transformation & Inspiration

The other day, one of my 12 Weeks to Transformation clients shared the story of her personal transformation in the form a powerful inspiration: a poem. There is so much about this that encourages and inspires me so I was thrilled when she told me I could share it!

Learn More about the 12 Weeks to Transformation

84 Days

84 days to make myself proud
84 days to say it out loud
That I am not limited, oh no, not me
I get to choose who I want to be


84 days to re-write my story
84 days to shine in my glory
My brain believes what I tell it to
I tell it be happy and powerful too

84 days for me to let go
84 ways to say, “Drama?” Just..NO
Emotional waste just isn’t my style
I’m staying in reality, not getting riled

84 days of daily fresh starts
84 days of doing my part
Daily I’ll journal and set my small goals
And soon I realise that I’m on a roll!

84 days of choosing to be grateful
84 days of being optimistic and hopeful
Focusing my mind on beauty and grace
Beginning to see possibilities all over the place

84 days of “What do I WANT”?
84 days of questions and thoughts
I answered the questions and my heart is reeling
I just discovered “The Goal Is The Feeling”.

84 days and yes, I did drift
84 thoughts and emotions to sift
I got sucked in to my own futile nonsense
I needed EB, her words and good sense

Now it’s 24 days and I’ll finish well
24 days with a mindset that’s swell
I’ve set new goals and they’re big and they’re good
They’ll take some effort as worthwhile goals should

24 days and I am undaunted
24 days to get where I wanted
I don’t need a formula or scalpel precision
I just keep on making One Good Decision

84 days of creative solutions
84 days of generating motivations
I’m making goals with energy and passion
I’m even manufacturing enthusiasm!

84 days of affirmations
84 days of identity creation
Now I am prepared to go from strength to strength
I’m standing tall now, I AM as I THINK…

~ Shannon L

If this doesn’t encourage you to create your own personal transformation, I’m not sure what will! I could read this over and over!

Here are a few of my favorite lines: 

“That I am not limited, oh no, not me
I get to choose who I want to be”

“My brain believes what I tell it to
I tell it be happy and powerful too”

“I answered the questions and my heart is reeling
I just discovered “The Goal Is The Feeling”.”

“I don’t need a formula or scalpel precision
I just keep on making One Good Decision”

What about you? What are your favorites! Leave a comment!

I’d love to work with you in the next 12 Weeks to Transformation so please click here to learn more

personal transformation

572: Mindset Coaching – Addressing Listener Struggles

I am so pumped that we’ve added this third podcast episode each week because it allows me to do something we both appreciate: mindset coaching. Even though the questions are about weight loss, overwhelm, inconsistency or motivation, the solution is often the same: mindset.

In today’s episode (and likely all subsequent Q&As) we’re taking your challenges, struggles and questions and using them as mindset coaching moments.

How can you create a solution? Where are there limiting beliefs at play? In what ways are you lying to yourself or only considering one small part of the story?

If you have questions or challenges that you’d like my $0.02 on, you can submit them here.

Mindset Coaching Questions:

  • How do I stop quitting?
  • How do I stay motivated?
  • How do I overcome my “all or nothing” attitude?
  • I want to be happy with my body again. I’m overweight and pretending to be happy. Can you help?
  • If you have always failed to keep the weight off or failed to be successful at work (or really anything) and you feel like there’s no point in trying, how do you get back on your feet to try again?
  • How do I become a better mother & wife and at the same time, lose weight and take great care of myself?
  • One of the things that ruins my motivation when I get going is work and other obligations. I am sure you have an episode in the podcast or have sent an email but how do I prioritize my personal health goals in the midst of work and grad school?


Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation and get on the wait list here

Register for the March 20th live information session!

Podcast episodes mentioned in this episode: 

Episode 548: 3 Strategies to Create Change

Episode 559: Identity Journaling

Episode 572: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

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Limiting Beliefs Kept Me Fat

I understand if you’re skeptical. A few years ago, if you had told me that overcoming my limiting beliefs was the key to lasting fat loss, I’d have dismissed you. I’d have rolled my eyes at your “woo woo” bullshit.

But, it was true.

Yes, I had a food issue. I had an over-eating issue. I had an all-or-nothing issue. I had an emotional eating issue. However, those issues were symptoms of an underlying problem tied to my own limiting beliefs.

I am certain that one of the primary reasons people are inconsistent and fail to create change (even when they want it desperately) is their pattern of focusing on changing their choices instead of focusing on changing their beliefs.

You can’t escape this true:

Your choices stem from what you believe. Your actions, decisions, reactions and thoughts stem from what you believe.

Your body is a barometer of your belief system.”

Your finances are a reflection of what you believe about money.

Your relationships are a reflection about what you believe about yourself, the relationship and the other person.

Your career is a reflection of your belief system.

Work with Elizabeth to tackle your limiting beliefs!

If you choose to believe and focus on the problem and the limitation, you’re going to move in that direction. You’re going to act in accordance with those thoughts.

For most of my life, my limiting beliefs about food and my body were pervasive and constant:

  • I’m an emotional eater
  • I’m totally an all-or-nothing person
  • I can lose weight, I just can’t keep it off
  • My metabolism is jacked up
  • I turn to food for comfort
  • I’ve always been “the big girl”

Wouldn’t ya know: my body reflected those beliefs! My choices reflected those beliefs!

In my late twenties, I decided to get out of debt. I had student loans, car loans and some miscellaneous credit cards. It took a little over a year, but through discipline and determination, I made it happen. My beliefs about the process were a huge part of it. I thought:

  • I’m making this happen
  • There will be ups and downs, but I’m not quitting
  • It’s worth the short term sacrifice for the long-term reward
  • I’m not stopping until the debt is gone

What would have happened without those beliefs? What if I thought about getting out of debt the way I was thinking about food and my weight?

  • What’s the point?
  • It’ll take too long
  • Something always comes up!
  • I messed up my budget this month – I’ve totally blown in

If I had those limiting beliefs about money, it would have never happened! Ever!

Fortunately, you are the thinker. You are not your thoughts. You can absolutely overcome any and all over your limiting beliefs if you’re willing to do the work.

Begin by identifying what you want. 

What is the change you want to create?

Who do you want to be?

What does the ideal version of you look/act/feel like?

Identify the beliefs that are limiting your ability to create that change. 

What thoughts or feelings run counter to those goals and desires?

In what ways are you blocking your belief or limiting your potential?

Establish new thoughts that drive new possibilities and expand your potential. 

If you were that version of yourself, what would you believe?

What is possible?

How can you support and encourage the change you want to make?

Admittedly, this is just a starting point. Sometimes, your limiting beliefs feel like fact. Often, the new beliefs don’t feel real, true or possible for you. That’s normal and it’s part of the process. In fact, it just goes to show the influence of those limiting beliefs and reinforces your need to break free from them!

If you want to take the next step in overcoming your limiting thought patterns, listen to episode 571 of the Primal Potential podcast. Not only will we go deeper into the patterns of these beliefs, you’ll hear me coach current clients through their own limiting beliefs and learn more about working with me to do the same in your own life!

Continue the conversation in the Primal Potential Facebook group!

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